Sunday, November 23, 2008

Table of Contents1. FAQ Introduction2. Game Prologue3. WalkthroughOrdon Village
The Beginning
The Hawk and the Cat
The Slingshot and the Wooden Sword
The Lost Kid and the Monkey
Hyrule Castle
The Twilight Realm and the Wolf
The Sewers and the Spirits
The Rooftop and the Princess
The Village, the Shield and the Sword
Faron Woods
The Light and the Tears
The Swamp and the Fog
Forest Temple
Kakariko Village
Hyrule Fields
The Light and the Tears
The Iron Boots and the Marauder
Death Mountain
Goron Mines
Lake Hylia
Zora's Domain
The Light and the Tears
The Zora Armor and the Prince
Lakebed TempleAfterwards
Return to Hyrule Castle
The Master Sword
Gerudo Desert
Arbiter's Grounds
The Mirror of Twilight
Snowpeak Ruins
Sacred Grove
Temple of Time
Ilia's Memory and the Hidden Village
The Rod and the Ancient Language
City in the Sky
Palace of Twilight
Hyrule Castle
The Finale
4. Sidequests
Howling Stones / Hidden Skills
Heart Pieces
Poes5. FAQ6. Disclaimer1. Introduction
Fans pleaded, and finally here it is, the new realistic Zelda, biggerthan ever. Nintendo Power recognized it as the best Zelda game ever,and there's clearly no doubt. In addition to revisiting all the areasfrom Ocarina of Time, Nintendo added the Twilight Realm, which remindsof the Dark World in A Link to the Past. Add to this a wolf Link, andyou definitely can't ask for better. With all these elements blendtogether in one game, no wonder it's the Wii's big game. Please note that this FAQ was written using the Wii version of the game,so if you are playing the Gamecube verison, the controls are inversedsince both games are mirrored. Left is right, east is west, etc.Also, the screenshots are from the GC version, not Wii. I apologizefor any confusion this may lead to.2. PrologueDeep in the southernmost region of the kingdom of Hyrule lies a villageby the name of Ordon. Cradled in the scenic beauty of pristinefarmland, the villagers of Ordon make a living by raising livestock.Among the villagers is a boy known as the most skillful rider in allthe land. A boy who, it is expected, will one day take over theresponsability of leading Ordon as the village chief. His name isLink... Trusted and liked by all the villagers, Link is especially lovedby the other children of Ordon, among whom he holds unofficial statusas the leader of the pack. Link spends his days as a ranch hand andlearns the ways of the sword from the village's lone swordsman, Rusl,in his spare time. He often displays his newly honed skills to thevillage youths, which makes him even more popular. One day Link is showing off his swordsmanship as usual, when a monkeyappears. "Hey! That's the monkey that's been causing trouble all overthe village! Let's get him," cry the children. They run after themonkey into the forest. Link rushes into the heart of the woods afterthem and is shocked to find that the dark thickets are teeming withcountless monsters. After fighting his way through their ranks, Linkrescues the child and the monkey from the cage where they are heldcaptive. Until now, the forest has always been a safe place... The next day, after much encouragement by Rusl, Link prepares to setout and deliver the village's tribute to Hyrule Castle. Having nevervisited the castle before, Link is in high spirits as he prepares forhis journey, but when his childhood friend Ilia notices a wound onEpona's haunch, she gives Link an earful for being so careless with hishorse. In a huff, Ilia leads Epona away. Link tracks down Epona and Ilia at the mystical spring nearby andattempts to apologize for injuring Epona. But no matter how many timeshe says he's sorry, Ilia simply refuses to forgive Link. Then Colin, ayoung boy from the village who idolizes Link, steps forward to mediatethe situation. Thanks to Colin's explanation, Link is finally able toget Ilia to drop her guard and talk with him. Having warmed back up,Ilia tells Link, "Come back safely, and don't do anything reckless!" Just then... A monster astride a huge boar comes crashing out of the forest. Thefearsome monster and its mount break through the gate to the spring andattack the youths. Caught off guard by the sudden assault, Link is helpless to stop themonster from delivering a blow that renders him unconscious. Throughthe fog of his half-conscious mind, Link watches Colin and Ilia getswept off by the monster.
3. WalkthroughThe Beginning After the introduction, your boss will come and askyou for help. Head along the path to the right of your house to enterthe woods. Take a right at the fork to find Illya and Epona at thepond. Grab one of the plants nearby to call Epona as Illya asks. Thenride back to your house with Epona and take the other path leading tothe village. Travel up the path to the other side of the village whichwill bring you to Ordon Ranch. To complete your job, ride around onEpona and run towards the goats in direction of the barn to lead themin. Once they're all inside, head back to your house to rest. When you wake up, head outside and follow the path to Ordon Village.Talk to the man beside the first house at the entrance. He'll show youthe nest Ordon bees built up in the large tree, which bothers his wifequite a bit. He'll also mention the disappearance of his cat. Headover to the lake nearby and talk to the man sitting on the rock pillarThen climb up the vines to get to him and spot the missing catby the river. For now, the man wants you to go grab the grass growingon the edge of the rock. Hop across to that rock and pick up said grass,which can be used to call a hawk. Use it to whistle and the hawkwill come down to you; aim for the bee nest at the top of the large tree and send the owl to knock it down (position yourselfso you are facing the tree before calling the hawk). The Hawk and the Cat Then hop over to the nearby rooftop and keep hopingfrom rock to rock from there. There is more grass on the last rock; useit to call the hawk once more and aim for the isle in the distance atthe end of the river to have the hawk bring you back a craddle. Carryback that craddle down the path to the woman next to the footbridge bythe large tree and the river. Bring the craddle to her houe at the endof the path and she will thank you by giving you the Fishing Rod. Nowgo to the very end of the river where you spoted the cat earlier (nextto house with the waterwheel) and use the fishing rod on the dock bythe river. You'll need to catch two fish, which will lure the cat toyou. Tricksy cat will steal your second fish and run away with it, backat home. The Slingshot and the Wooden Sword While you're there, collect some rupees from underthe pumpkins, rocks and grass around the house. You'll need at least30, so if you don't find enough, explore around for more. You can findbigger rupees atop rooftops and also on the top branch of the largetree where the bee nest was if you climb it up. Then head over toSera's house on the other side of the river where the cat went back to.Talk to her to receive the Milk Bottle and purchase the Slingshot bythe same occasion. Now that you have the slingshot, head back toyour house and put it to use by shooting the spider on the ladderleading to it. Once inside your house, open the chest to obtain theWooden Sword. Head back outside with your sword and show it to thekids around your house. Use the slingshot to shoot down all the targetsand scarecrows in the trees, then you'll enter another training scene.Pull off the requested moves with your sword on the scarecrow to showit off to the kids. Then you'll spot one of the monkeys the kids toldyou about. Get on Epona and chase him down into the woods. Head leftacross the bridge to Faron Woods and leap over the barrier blocking theway. The next area consist of a pond ahead and a tunnel on your left.Head inside the tunnel and follow the path on the left.The Lost Kid and the Monkey Get off Epona and talk to the man here to receivethe Lantern. Head back to the tunnel you came from (without enteringit) and take the path at the right of the tunnel this time. Slash theenemy at the entrance of the cave and head inside. Light the torchesinside to light up your way and burn the spider webs blocking yourpath. When you get to the fork, head right and defeat all the enemiesto make a chest appear. Open it to find a Yellow Rupee. Then exit thecave and you'll end back up outside Faron Woods in the swamp area. Head forward up to a gate in the mountainside (onthe left). It's locked, so run northwest to find another opening behindthe cliff. Enter the cave and open the chest inside to find a SmallKey. Then light up the two torches on each side of the chest (with thelantern) to make another chest appear. Open it for a Heart Piece. Withthe key in hand, return to the locked gate southwest of there and openit with the key. Head inside and follow the path to the very end tofind the monkey and the kid locked in a cage. Break it open with a fewsword slashes to free the kid and you'll return home safe and soundwith him. The next morning, you'll be in Ordon Ranch. The bosshas some more work for you. Pick up the plant on the ground nearby andwhistle to call Epona. Hop onto her and ride around the enclosure tolead the goats inside the barn. Head back to Ordon to speak with themayor once you're done. Illya will notice Epona is hurt and will scoldLink for it, as well as taking Epona away. Head back into the woods tothe pond from the beginning of the game you met her at, but the kidswill block your way. You'll have no choice but to hand over your sword.Continue your way to the pond but another problem arises: the gate toit is locked. Talk to the kid on the other side to have him show youanother way in. Then go around to find a small tunnel into the leftside of the wall surrounding the clearing. It's hard to spot, so hugthe wall to find it. You'll end up at the pond, but an unexpected eventwill occur. Link will run after the fiend and find the gate to theTwilight Realm.The Twilight Realm and the Wolf You'll wake up as Wolf Link in a prison cell. Try toget off your chains to trigger a cutscene. An enigmatic character bythe name of Midna will appear and offer to help if you can get outsidethe cell by yourself. Once you take back control of your character,reduce to dust the debrits in the right corner of the and dig theground to get under the gate into freedom. Midna will come with you andturn out to be quite useful. Head in the cell beside yours and jump tograb the pulley hanging from the ceiling. This will open the tunnelunto the wall. It leads into the sewers, where you'll find a spirit.Make use of your senses to talk to the soldier spirit, then run alongthe wall and turn left at the end after leaping over the pit.The Sewers and the Spirits At the end of the pathway, you're supposed to goright, but can't cross at the moment because of the spikes. Go leftinstead. Grab onto the pulley here to open the gate and raise thewater. You can now swim over the spikes to cross to the other side. Goright to find another pulley and gate at the end. Grab onto it to openthe gate and drain the water. Now go in the opposite direction, left,and Midna will get off at the end and go through a gate that you can'treach yourself. Look at the bottom of the left wall on the side of thegate to spot a hole in the wall. Crawl through it to meet back withMidna and follow the path to a large room. Go up the stairway circlingaround the room on your left and you'll find yourself falling when youget over the first gap. Start over and head up. Midna will help you outthis time. Target her and jump to cross. Keep heading up the stairs andcross the rope to reach the top of the stairway, only to find out thedoor here is locked. Stand on the rock rubbles on the right, then Midnawill help you get to the very top of the room.The Rooftop and the Princess Exit outside to the castle rooftop. Run along theroof and push the crate to climb up. Then use Midna to jump over thegap and avoid the flying enemies. At the end, go inside the towerwindow. Head up to the top where a mysterious character awaits. Afterthe sequence, head back down the stairway for another cutscene. You'llfind yourself back in your world, but still as Wolf Link. Now you'llneed to obtain the sword and shield. Leave the pond and cross back thewoods to Ordon Village. Walk over to where you can see some lit torchesshining in the night and, while being careful so they don't notice you,approach the villagers silently and listen to their conversation bytargeting them. After hearing about the shield, cross the bridge andrun over to a rock near where the cat is hanging out. Jump onto therooftop from there and catch the villager with the owl offguard on thecliff. He'll run away and clear the way.The Village, the Shield and the Sword From there, leap over to the waterwheel, then to thewatermill's roof and go through the opening at the very top. Inside,get on the table and Midna will spot the shield. Use her help to leapover to it from the edge of the table and ram into the wall a few timesto make the shield fall. Pick up the Ordon Shield. Leave by the window,then follow the river up to the house in the corner on your left, atthe end of the river. Look around the house using your senses andyou'll find a spot you can dig into on the right side (next to a pileof wood). This will get you inside the house. Grab the Ordon Swordlying on the couch, then leave the house by the hole you dug. Now headback into the woods, to the pond. Defeat the shadow creature here, thenwatch the cutscene and leave. Head across the bridge on your right andprepare to travel back to the Twilight Realm.The Light and the Tears The Faron Woods changed quite a bit. Midna willrequest you find some things for her in exchange for her help. Followthe path onward until you get trapped and are forced to battle someenemies. No matter how many you defeat, they will always come back.Keep fighting them for a while until Midna finally condescends to help.Hold down the B button to trap all three enemies at the same time andrelease it to reduce them to ashes. Then run down the path to a lightspirit who'll give you the Vessel of Light. With this, you can collectTears. When you find one, it will be in insect form. You'll need todefeat it first in order to collect the Tear. You will only be able tosee the Tears while using your senses. Keep this in mind. Head up the path in the northen wall to find the twofirst insects and collect the two first Tears. Continue along the path,turn left at the locked gate, to find youself back in a familiar place.Hug the left wall and run across the wooden ramp leading to the house.Use Midna's help to leap over to the window and end up inside. Usingyour senses, talk to the merchant in the corner to make two insectsappear. Defeat them, then collect the two Tears. Aftergetting them, leave the house by the way you came in and go around tothe wall on the other side. Ram into the wall to make the insect abovefall, then collect the Tear. Now head back to that locked gate fromearlier and dig through the hole at the right to go under. Defeat thetwo insects on the other side to get two more Tears. Go through the cave here to wind up in the swamp.Use the new attack Midna showed you earlier to take down the twoinsects on the wall at the left and collect the two Tears (or ram intothe wall). Now to cross the swamp, head over to the left and look for aplace to jump above the water (stand on the stump). Use Midna to makethe leaps over the water and run up the cliff on the other side. Crossover to a clearing across the pillars sticking out of the water whereyou'll find three more Tears in insect form. Now jump across the tree trunks into the water usingMidna and then across the branches up to the top of the area. Watch outfor the swinging log on your path, then head down to the ground anddefeat the two insects at the entrance of the cave to get two moreTears. They're hiding underground, so use your senses to spot them anddig over to reach them. Now head into the cave and you'll fall face toface with more shadow creatures. Get rid of them the same way you didbefore. Then run up the path leading to the area where you found thecaged monkey in your world and defeat the two insects here to obtainthe two last Tears, finally.The Swamp and the Fog You'll be brought back to the spring in your world,and in your normal form to that. Head through the nearby path to noticethe way to the cave has been locked. Take the other path leading tothat man who gave you the lantern earlier and talk to him to have himhand over a Small Key. If you have 100 rupees on you, you can alsopurchase the Oil Bottle to obtain a second useable bottle. With the keyin your possession, head back to the locked gate and open it. Traversethe cave leading to the swamp. Take your lantern out and that annoying money fromearlier will snatch it away. Make sure to follow her very closelythrough the mist, just like you'd follow a bucket carrying mooglethrough the miasma. Get rid of the enemies for her. Don't forget topick back up your lantern after the monkey drops it on the ground atthe end. Hey at least it got us through the haze. In the next area,follow the path to the left leading to Trill's shop and purchase someoil for your lantern (if you didn't buy the bottle earlier). Now run upto the path leading the temple, where a wolf will stop you and send youoff to another world up above. Follow the instructions to learn thehidden skill Ending Blow. Back at the Faron Woods, head up the pathahead and burn the spider web at the end using the lantern to accessthe Forest Temple.Go to the first room straight ahead and climb up thevines on the wall on your left to find a chest at the top containing aYellow Rupee. Then free the monkey from the cage at the back of theroom and shoot down the two spiders on the vines behind. Climb up thevines after the monkey and go through the gate ahead. In the room, herego around the stairway (ground level) and slash the spider on the leftto turn it into a bomb. Pick up the bomb and throw it at the crackedwall to reveal a chest behind. Open it to get a Red Rupee.
Then climb up the stairway after slashing down the huge spider. Lightup the four torches here using the lantern to make a platform raise.Open the chest at the left of the door to obtain the Map, then gothrough the door to the next area. Watch that cheeky baboon take downthe bridge before your eyes. Can't proceed that way now, so head backinside to find another way around. Follow your monkey friend inside andjump towards her to have her swing you to another door (press A at theright time to jump). Go through the door. In this room, go right and slash the spider, whichwill turn into a bomb. It will explode on the boulder and a secretalcove will be revealed. Break the jars to obtain the Ooccoo. Prettyuseful. Now head back and go left. Burn down the spiderweb with thelantern to clear the way, then go straight ahead, across the platforms,and through the door. Cross the spinning bridge in the next area, thenhead through the door ahead. Open the chest on your right to acquire aSmall Key. Now return two rooms back. Cross the gap at the right (shootdown the spider with your slingshot first) and unlock the door with thekey. Go through it to a new room with a caged monkey.
Cross the footbridge that will collapse afterwards,then jump down and barrel roll into the totem pole a few times to knockdown the cage and free the monkey. Two baddies will come down; get ridof them quickly, then open the chest under the footbridge to get aYellow Rupee. Now head back up the wooden pathway and use the monkey'shelp (same way you did previously) to cross the gap where the fallenbridge was. Head two rooms back to the main room with many doors. Themonkeys will allow you swing to another door you haven't gone to yet.Burn down the spiderweb to proceed to the new room.
Head up the stairway and go left to the bomb spider.Slash it once to turn it into a bomb, then pick it up and carry it tothe right. Drop it into the plant below where the gap is to make itexplode. Head back to the bomb spider and grab yourself another bomb.Run back to the gap and jump over it, still carrying the bomb. On theother side, throw the bomb at the boulder on the ledge to make itexplode. Surprise, there's a door behind. Go through it to enter a newroom. Another caged monkey in here.
Drop down to the bottom floor and roll into thetotem pole on your left to make a chest fall. Open it to obtain a SmallKey. Now cross the bridge above the water pool, avoid the creature, andlight the two unlit torches with the lantern on the other side to makesome platforms appear. Climb up the vines on the left wall to find achest containing a Red Rupee at the top, then climb up the stairs toreach the caged monkey, but first you'll need to take down that hugespider guarding the cell. Once you're done with it, open the lock withyour key to free the monkey.
Now backtrack to the previous room and climb up thevines on the left wall after taking down the small spiders with yourslingshot. Go through the door at the top to a room with yet anothercaged monkey and some big key eater plant. You want the key back, soyou'll need to destroy that insolent plant creature. Wait until ittries to slam you with its head, then use the opportunity to slash it.Repeat until you knock it down. Now get a spider bomb from one of thecorners of the room and carry it back to the plant. Throw it in to makeit explode and get the Small Key back. Free the monkey from the cageusing the key, then head back through where you came to be back in theprevious room.Go left and take the bomb spider here. Drop it downthe gap below to explode the plant on the ground. Then fall down thereand open the chest in the alcove behind to obtain a Heart Piece. Nowtime to go back to the main room with the many doors. Head back to theoutside area where the baboon took down the bridge and cross the chasmusing your monkey friends. Time to teach that ugly baboon a lesson ortwo. Enter the room at the end and let the fight begin. When the baboonthrows its boomerang, roll into the totem pole he is standing on twiceto destabilize him and make him fall off it. When he's laying on theground, slash him as many times as possible for a good spanking. Repeatthe process a few more times to defeat him and acquire the GaleBoomerang.With the boomerang now in your possession, head overto the closed door and throw the boomerang at the switch above it threetimes to open the door completely (stand close, hold the button, thenlock and release). Back in the previous area, aim for the switch abovethe bridge on your left and throw the boomerang at it to rotate thebridge. Cross it and you'll find another caged monkey on the otherside. Looks like there still are some to free. Aim for the rope holdingthe cage and throw the boomerang at it to free the monkey. Then headright and hit the switches with the boomerang to spin the bridges andcross to the other side. Enter the room here. Now that you have theboomerang, head back to the room with the water and monsters hiddingunder tiles of the floor. Use the boomerang to blow out the torches andmake the platforms (stairs) lower. Open the chest in the alcove behindto obtain a Heart Piece.
Head back to the main room. Get on the platform inthe center and look above to spot a chest hanging from the ceiling. Aimfor it and throw the boomerang to make it fall. Open it to obtain theCompass. Then use the monkey to swing over to the door on the left.You'll recognize this room from earlier. Cross the pits to the door onthe left side of the room, the one that was locked when you first came.At the left of this door is a bridge; cross it. Lock-on to the fourswitches above the pillars on each side of the gate here in the ordershown on the pic below and release the boomerang to hit them all inthis order to open the gate. Open the big chest behind to acquire theBig Key. Then drop down in the water on the right and enter the smalltunnel on the side of the wall to find a chest containing a YellowRupee.
(left: Gamecube version, right: Wii version)
Now cross back the bridge and go right, across thegap. Go through the door here and follow the monkey across the spiningbridge. In the next room, hit the switch above the bridge to rotate itso you can get on it. But we're not going through the door straightahead. Hit the switch a second time while on the bridge to rotate itback to its original position. You can now access two doors. Start withthe right one, since the other one is locked. In the room here, defeatthe spider on the left, then stand on the spiderweb covering a hole anduse the lantern to burn it down and fall below. Break down the monkey'scage with your sword to free it, then climb back up using the vines onthe pillar.
Return to the previous room and get on the bridge.Hit the switch to rotate it another time and enter the room straight infront of you. You'll see you're still missing a few monkeys. Cross thebridges on your right by spinning them until you reach a wall coveredin vines. Take down the spiders on it first with the boomerang orslingshot, then climb it up and drop down on the wooden platform. Shootdown the other spider on the vines on your right, then climb up somemore to reach the top. Go through the door on the left.
In the next room, defeat the enemies first, then aimfor the bomb spider (on the stump above the water) with your boomerangon the left side and it'll bring you back a bomb. Throw it at the plantabove the water on the right to clear the platform to cross. Open thechest on the other side to obtain a Small Key. Now our objective is toblow up that huge boulder blocking the alcove above the vine coveredwall in this room. Head back to the center and lock-on to the bombspider with the boomerang, then aim at the huge boulder, and releaseit. The bomb will fly off and destroy the boulder. Climb up the vinesand you'll see another boulder. Do the same thing with the bomb andboomerang but aim from the edge of the platform to get the bomb. Thenthrow the bomb at the boulder to blow it up and free the monkey behindit.
Now go back to the room with the spinning bridge inthe middle and the four doors in each sides of the room. Stand on thebridge and rotate it, then go through the door at the right afterunlocking it with the key. In the room here, go straigh ahead and enterthe cave tunnel in the northeast corner, behind the wooden barriers.Defeat the spiders in this room, then climb up the vines to find thevery last monkey. To free him, lock-on to the two switches on each sideof the gate and release the boomerang to hit both. Then go through theother opening and jump above the gap on your left. Open the chest hereto get a Red Rupee. Now return to the room with the huge tree and themushrooms where you saw the monkeys earlier. They will form a liana soyou can swing across the chasm and reach the door on the other side.Open it with the big key to access the boss area.
Twilt Parasite DiababaFirst, Diababa will attack you with its tentacles. Quickly get rid ofthem by locking-on to the spider bombs above the water with yourboomerang to retrieve a bomb. Then when one of the monsters tries tobite you, throw the bomb into its mouth. Repeat the same thing with thesecond one. Diababa will disappear underwater for a few seconds. Nowthe real fight begins. Throw your boomerang at it a few times to noavail, until the baboon from earlier shows up. You can use his helpthis time. When the monkey slides down the rope carrying the bomb,lock-on to it, then to the Diababa's head and release the boomerang.You'll now have an oppotunity to strike. Slash the eye inside its moutha few times tu hurt it. Avoid its purple poison jet by rolling around.You'll then need to repeat the process until it's defeated for good.You'll acquire a Fused Shadow and a Heart Container for your efforts.Hyrule Fields You'll reappear back at the spring. Head over to themerchant's house, he who gave you the lantern at the beginning of thegame. Continue past it, heading out to Hyrule Field. Travel northwestto the Twilight Realm, on your way meeting up with the postman. Once inthe Twilight Realm, back in wolf form, use your senses to sniff thesword on the ground. The scent will help you find the missing children.Stay in sense mode and follow the trail left by the scent on theground. You'll arrive at the end and be attacked by shadow creatures.Defeat them all, then you'll notice the bridge to cross is gone. Openup the map and warp to North Faron Woods, following Midna's directives.The Light and the Tears You'll quickly spot the bridge here. Walk to it,then speak with Midna and warp again, but to Kakariko Gorge (in Eldin),this time. Now the bridge's back in place, so cross it and keepfollowing the scent trail using your senses. You'll arrive at a lockedgate. Dig the ground at the left to pass under it and move onward toKakariko Village. Defeat the three shadow creatures at the entrance,then walk to the spring and talk with the light spirit to obtainanother Vessel of Light. Again, 16 tears to find. Walk up to the house on the left and go at the back.Midna will indicate you that you can climb up to the roof. Use her tojump atop and fall through the wooden planks into the house. Onceinside, use your senses to watch a scene. After this, pick up thewooden stick lying right next to you on the ground and put both ends onfire by passing it into the flame. Then head up the stairway on theright with your stick on fire and jump over the gaps to light thecandles. This will reveal the entrance to the cellar. Drop in and use your senses to spot the three shadowinsects. Take them down and collect the three first Tears. Then headinto the adjacent tunnel and climb up the scaffholding using Midna toend up in the village's graveyard. Use your senses to spot a spiderhidding underground in the center. Dig it out and get rid of it toobtain the fourth Tear. Now head back down the path leading to thevillage. Head straight ahead to that slope in the mountainside. There'sa house on the left, and on the right side of that house, a hole at thebottom of the wall at the back. Dig in to enter the house and climb upthe top ledge. Look behind a crate by the wall (using your senses) tospot another insect. Take it down to obtain the fifth Tear.
Head back outside and climb up that slope right nextto the house. Jump on the roof of the inn and head inside. On thebottom floor, pick up the wooden stick on the ground and jump on thetable to reach the flame above to light the stick. Then run over to thechimney to light the fire. An insect will come out. Use your senses tospot it and take care of it to obtain another Tear. Now head to theadjacent room and defeat the two enemies. Climb upstairs to the secondfloor and enter the small room using your senses to spot another insecton the wall. Defeat it to get another Tear. Then go back to the firstroom and climb on the shelves to reach the exit. Now head over to the last house (bomb shop) at theend of the road and jump atop the old shack on the right. Look into thehouse from there to spot a broken window. Jump through it (take a heapfirst) to break through the window and to end up inside the house. Headupstairs and use your senses. Knock down the cupboard on the wall inthe corner by ramming into it to reveal an insect. Defeat it and getthe Tear. Then climb on the shelves to reach the window and leave bythere. You'll emerge on the roof of the house. Climb up the stairwayhere to get to a slope above.
Climb up the hillside at the right of the ruinedhouse all the way to the top, then dig into the wall of the house hereto enter. Inside, defeat the insect behind the jars in the corner toget the Tear. Head back outside and down the mountain. At the left ofthe pathway leading up the mountain, dig into the hole in the house'swall to enter it. Inside, pick up the wooden stick in the corner andlight it up using the flame in the other corner. Now try to light thefireplace, but the whole house will take on fire. Quickly get out ofthe house by the small hole in the bottom of the wall and watch thehouse disappear in ashes. At least, you can now collect the three Tearsin the ruins. Now head over to the fenced edge of the cliff nearthe house (on the right) and just next to it, drop down on a ledge abit lower below. Go right and stand on the wooden platform on the edge.Drop down on the middle house's roof below (slightly on the right),where the weak part of the roof is. You'll fall through the broken roofand end up inside the house. Push the crate beside the bed and aninsect will come out. Get rid of it and collect the Tear. Then jump onthe furniture to exit through the hole in the ceiling. Back outside,run to the end of the road and head left through the tunnel leading toDeath Mountain. Get on the little slope on the left and use Midna tojump over to the top where you'll see a Goron while in sense mode. Headup the path here all the way to the geysers after climbing up the ledgeand use your senses to spot an insect underground. Dig it up and takecare of it to obtain another Tear. Keep heading up the path until youarrive at the foot of Death Mountain. Head down to where the shadowcreatures are and take them down. Then defeat the insect on the portalnearby by ramming into it to obtain another Tear.
At the left of this portal, get on the small moundby the mountainside and use Midna to jump over the gate. Avoid thegeyser and climb on the little slope at the end of the path. Use Midnato leap over to the ledge above, then drop down in the area below onyour right. Use your senses to find the last insect here and defeat itto collect the last Tear. Back in your normal form, and it looks likeyou found the missing children. Now on to Death Mountain.The Iron Boots and the Marauder Take the path to Death Mountain and climb up the netleading to the mounatin to fall face to face with a Goron. He'll knockyou off the cliff. You won't be able to go there right away, so headback on your tracks and the man from Kakariko will stop you. He wantsyou to head back to Ordon Village, and thankfully, you'll get Eponaback for the trip. She's out of control, but get on her anyway and andcalm herself down by holding the stick in the direction shown onscreen, then seize her with the A button. Travel back through HyruleFields and Faron Woods to be back in your natal village. In Ordon, gosee the Mayor near the ranch to learn the sumo technique. This will behelpful against the Gorons. After you've mastered the technique, openthe chest in his house to acquire the Iron Boots. Now head back to Kakariko Village through HyruleFields and leap over the gate with Epona to enter. Upon arrival, youwill see the kids being attacked by some big enemy. Quickly cross thevillage and jump over the gate leading in the opposite direction fromwhere you came to confront him. To defeat the Marauder, ride after himand chase him down until you catch up to him. Slash him once you'renear enough to reach him. If you get surrounded by his minions, use thespin attack to get rid of them. Slash the Marauder until he looses hisarmor. Now time for the confrontation on the bridge. When he rams intoyou, run towards the side in his direction, then move out of the way toavoid his blow just in time, and quickly slash him as you ride besidehim (or slightly past him). Do this twice to send him into the chasm. Now head to Kakariko Village and to Death Mountain.Climb up the net and put on your Iron Boots. This time, the Goron hasno chance. Walk towards him and use the sumo technique as he rollstowards you to send him off the cliff. Then head up the path and do thesame with all the Gorons on your way. When you get to the geysers,avoid the arrows and quickly cross the area until you get to a largerarea with two Gorons. Drop down and avoid the falling boulders, thenwalk up to one of the Gorons and slah him to force him into his boulderform. Quickly climb onto his back and he'll toss you off to the areaabove. Head right to find another Goron in the back. Havehim roll up and use him the same way you did to reach the area above.Do the same with the Goron here to reach the ledge above. Put on yourIron Boots to cross the geysers, then follow the ledge to the left anduse the sumo technique on the Gorons coming down the path. Then a fewmore lifts from the rolled up Gorons to get to the very top of themountain and, finally, go inside. You'll meet the Goron elder, but hewon't let you through unless you beat him in a sumo match. Equip theIron Boots and show him who's the strongest. Then proceed to the GoronMines.
As you enter, jump across the lava pit whileavoiding the fire jets and go left once on the other side, afterbreaking through the wooden barriers. Stand on the switch on the leftwith your Iron Boots to stop the flame in the path ahead. Run throughquickly before the flame comes back, then look on the left for anotherswitch; press it too. Then go right around the corner on the metalplatform adjacent to the path you were on. Climb up the ladder at theend to be above the path, now. Run to the end of that path and jump onthe other platform to find a chest containing a Red Rupee.Then back track and look on the left for a rockpillar; jump on it to reach a ledge on the side of the wall. Head alongthis ledge on the right to find another switch; press it with the IronBoots. Then quickly head back on the ledge along the wall, but on theleft leading to the opposite side. Pressing the switch stops the flamehere, so head through the path and jump on the metal pillar at the end,just at the right of the huge gate. Put on the Iron Boots to lower thepillar and therefore open the gate.
Go through the gateway to the next room. Head downthe catwalk on your left and open the chest there to obtain a SmallKey. Now head back up the catwalks and jump across the rotatingplatforms, then unlock the door on your right with the key and gothrough. Run down the path, then jump across the platforms over thelava on your left until you reach a big wall made of grating. There isa tall rectangular block in the middle of this wall with a large chain.Kill the lizard first by attacking its tail, then pick up the chain andpull it to move the block towards you (thus opening the path on theother side of the wall). Pull it up to the end of the track, then hurryback across the platforms over the lava and jump towards the other sideof the wall where you should see a door. Quickly get to it before thewall sets back.In the next room, put on the Iron Boots and jump inthe water to sink to the bottom. Walk onward and press the switch to belifted up to the ceiling. Walk on the magnet to be back upside and gothrough the door in front of you. You will find yourself in a room withone of the Goron elders who'll give you a Key Shard. There aretwo other shards to find to get the full key. Before leaving, open thechest at the back of the room to acquire the Map, and the other cheston the ledge at the left for a Red Rupee. Then climb up the ladderleading to a ledge around the top of the room. Find the moving jar hereand break it open to find the Oocoo. Then go through the door at theend to end up in the previous room but higher in.Look on the sides to see these blue magnetic walls.Put on your Iron Boots and walk on either. You'll reach a door on theother side; go through it. In the next room, walk up to the switch andpress it wearing the Iron Boots to be sent off to the ceiling. Walkalong it to the northwest corner to find a chest containing a Heart Piece.Then walk to the northeast corner and follow the path arounduntil you see two torches on each side. Drop down here and walk throughthe door in front of you. Back in firey room. Walk to the switch shownin the cutscene and press it with the Iron Boots on. This will move thecrane with the magnet. Head for the platform nearby with your IronBoots on and wait fo the magnet to move over you to be pulled by thecrane and carried over to another platform. Press the switch here tomove the other crane and stick to the magnet above which will carry youto a door. Go through it.
In this room, jump in the water and put on your IronBoots to sink to the bottom. Look on the left for a chest at the backand open it for a Small Key. Now walk over to the right side of thepool where a big cage is. Go inside and float to the surface. Stand onthe switch here with the boots on to activate a magnet. Get pulled offto the ceiling by this magnet and walk over to the ledge nearby. Thenpress the switch at the end of this ledge to activate another magnet.Drop down from the metal catwalk into the magnet's range to get pulledoff to it. Walk along the wall to reach a platform with a chestcontaining a Red Rupee and also a blue diamond switch. Slash the switchto open the gate below, then jump down to it and hurry to the otherroom before the gate closes.There are magnets on the left and right wall; walk along the left oneto find a chest at the top containing a Heart Piece. Then walk up theright one to reach a ledge above. Slash the rope holding the gate hereto reveal a door. Drop down and open the door with the key.In the next area, break through the wooden barrier, then follow thepath to a clearing on the right. Open the chest hidden in the corner toget a Small Key. Head back on the wooden path and open the door on theopposite side with the key to reach a new area. Cross this room byrunning over the rotating platforms. For the second one, you can usethe boots on the magnets not to fall or simply roll to cross it rapidlyin one shot. Go through the door on the other side. Speak with theelder in this room to obtain the second Key Shard. One more to go. Openthe chest on the ledge behind for a Yellow Rupee, then climb up theladder at the back and go through the door at the top. In the nextroom, put on your boots and walk along the wall, then drop on thewooden platform below and go through the door leading to a mini-boss.
Walk to the arena in the center and equip your IronBoots. Wait for him to raise his arms while holding your shield, thenslash his belly a few times and he'll roll into a ball. Grab him andtoss him into the lava. Repeat this two more times to win the fight.Then exit by the opposite door and open the big chest to obtain theHero's Bow. Equip your new bow and aim for the rope holding the bridge.The bridge will fall so you can get to the next area.In this room, several statues will fire at you. Aimfor the red eye on their front and shoot an arrow to stop them. Onceyou've taken care of them all, pull the westmost statue towards you toreveal a chest behind. Open it to obtain the Compass. Then pull theeastmost statue to reveal a door. In the room behind lies the lastelder. Get the last Key Shard from him to obtain the Big Key. Also openthe chest on the ledge behind to get a Purple Rupee. Now head back tothe previous room with the statues and go through the northmost doorbehind the statue. In the next room, follow the path up to a grate blocking the way. Rollinto it a few times to knock it down. Before crossing, aim for theceiling to spot some insects hanging from one of the brokenstalagtites. Shoot them down with the bow, then jump across theplatforms to reach the other side. At the end of the path, step on theswitch with the boots to activate the magnet above. Walk along theceiling up to a hole in the right wall. Take the bow out and shoot theblue diamond switch inside the alcove to open the gate below. Drop downand go through the door.
In the next room, go right and get the chestcontaining a Purple Rupee. Then go left and shoot the rope holding thebridge with your bow. Cross the bridge now that it's down and press theswitch with the boots on to stick to the magnetic crane. Let it carryyou and drop down at the end. Go through the door here. Jump across theplatforms over the water in the next room and shoot the blue diamondswitch from afar on your left with the bow. The gate will open; gothrough it. Quickly cross the next room and enter the door straightahead at the back of the room. You're back in the outside area frombefore. Now that you have the bow, you can shoot down thearchers all around the area so they don't bother you. Head back to theclearing where the chest with the key was earlier and shoot thestatue's red eye to stop it. Then pull the statue to reveal apassageway behind. Run up and shoot the archers ahead. Then run to theend of the path and step on the switch with your boots to activate themagnet nearby. Get pulled by it, then while on it, shoot the ropeholding the bridge with your bow. Then drop down on it and go throughthe door. Shoot down the archers from afar in this room, then head downthe ramp on your right and shoot the ropes holding the big bridge atthe back. Continue onward after defeating the enemies and unlock theboss door.
Twilit Igniter FyrusStart by shooting the monster's pink glow on his forehead todestabilize him. Then equip your Iron Boots and grab one of the chainshanging from him and pull it to make him fall. Once he's lying on theground, hopeless, strike his head a few times. Then wait for the pinkglow to reappear as he stands up again and take out your bow. Shoot itagain, pull the chain, and slash his head. Repeat another time to winthe fight and free the Goron. You'll receive another Fused Shadow and aHeart Container. Head out of the dungeon.Zora's Domain You'll reappear at the Kakariko spring. Beforeleaving the village, go to Barnes Bomb and buy the bag with bombs(premium kit) for 120 Rupees. You can also buy the Hylian Shield for200 Rupees from Malo Mart on the other end of the village. If you needrupees, there are chests in houses around the village. Then call Eponaand head back to Hyrule Fields. You'll be stopped by the postman onceagain who'll give you a letter. Continue your way to the bridge whereyou fought the Marauder and cross it. Once on the other side, throw abomb at the boulders blocking your way. Head over to the bridge afterthe cutscene and use the spin attack to get rid of the shadowcreatures. Now head through the path you were heading for and get offEpona at the end. Walk up to the Twilight Realm. Go onward and smell the purse dropped on the groundwith your senses to get Ilia's scent. Then follow the trail left by herstill in sense mode. On your way you'll spot Castle Hyrule, which thetrail will ultimately lead you to. Enter Telma's Bar at the end of thetrail and watch the cutscene when you listen to Telma and Ilia. Nowleave Hyrule Town and head for the Great Bridge of Hylia using the map.Try to cross it, but you'll get attacked and will have to flee.Coincidentally, there is a crate right next to you. Push it against thelow wall and jump over it into the chasm. You'll fall into water downbelow, into Lake Hylia. Swim up to the shore and head north to spot a spiritoutside his house while using your senses. Talk to him and a monsterwill show up ahead. Run up to it and a bird will attack you. Wait forthe bird to fly down, then press A to attack it and again Arepetitively to bite him a couple of times. Repeat until Sedna gets onthe bird, carrying you along. You're now controling the bird. Avoid theobstacles on your way and cross the cave until you get to an openinghigh at the top of the wall. You'll end up in Zora's River. First, jump down into the dried river and runforward to Zora's Domain. Run up to the ice pillars ahead and useMidna to jump on them and reach a higher ledge. Head up the ledgearound the cliff, then use Midna again to jump on the small iceplatforms while avoiding the falling icicles. Enter the ice cave at theend and fight the three shadow creatures. If you use your senses afterthe fight, you'll spot frozen Zoras in the ice below. Warp to DeathMountain, examine the firey boulder, then go back to Zora's Domain.Listen to Rutela, then head back outside and follow the river down toLake Hylia.The Light and the Tears Enter the small cave here to speak with a new spiritand receive another Vessel of Light to collect more Tears. Warp back toZora's Domain to wind up in Rutela's throne room. Jump on the driedground on the right of the small river and use your senses. Ram intothe wall to make a bug fall. Grab it while it's flying in the air andtake it down to obtain your first Tear. Then head out of the cavefollowing the left side of the river (make sure you're at the left ofthe river, it's important). When you get to the very edge of the cliff,gently drop down to land on a ledge with a few rupees. Follow the trailof rupees and continue forward a little further on. Use your senses tospot another bug flying around. Take it down to obtain a second Tear. Now jump down into the river below. You'll seestones above the water in the middle of the river. Get on one of thesestepping stones and use your senses to spot two bugs flying above thewater. Track them down and defeat both to obtain two more Tears. Thenhead back to the shore somewhere on the right side near one of thewaterfalls and use your senses to find another insect in the tallgrass. Defeat it for a Tear. Then jump back into the river and swim tothe opposite shore with the spirits. Head through the opening in thewall to end up in the Upper Zora's River. At the left of the house here, talk to the scaredspirit to find another bug. Run after said bug and defeat it to earnanother Tear. Now head back across the house's footbridge and go up thehill on the right. Howl on the spot here to call the bird monster fromearlier. He'll pick you up and fly you through the cave again. You canget four Tears in here. Dash right into the bugs while aiming them asyou come across to collect the Tears. Don't forget to enter sense modeto spot them. There's one at the entrance of the cave and three othersalong the path. When you emerge out of the cave, defeat the insect onyour right for yet another Tear. Now swim to the water house in the center of thelake and defeat the bug flying behind it for a Tear. Then cross the twofootbridges to find another insect at the top and thus another Tear.Head down the opposite footbridge to end up on the other side andyou'll be attacked by shadow creatures. Get rid of them, then followthe path up the mountainside at the back and jump across the platformsto reach another cliff with an insect. Kill it for a Tear, then warp toHyrule Castle or access it via the Upper Zora's River (a cave from theleft side of the river leads to Hyrule Fields). You'll be attacked by shadow creatures at the front gate of the Castle.Take them down, then cross the bridge leading to Hyrule Castle Town.Head up to the Central Square and to the South Road from there. Useyour senses here and follow the scent trail into the back alley. On theleft of Telma's Bar is a bug hidden behind some crates in the corner.Defeat it for a Tear. Then warp back to Lake Hylia and swim over to theraft near the spirit's cave. A huge bug will come out of the water.Defeat it by biting him off when he flies down near the raft until hefalls down into the water. Get on him and use the Energy Field to givehim the final blow and receive the last Tear. After the cutscene,you're back in your world.The Zora Armor and the Prince Next step is saving the Zora Prince. Back at LakeHylia, head for the house on the lake across the two bridges and speakwith the man to try his cannon for 10 rupees. Enter the other buildinghere, then climb down the ladder and head outside to be back in HyruleFields. Travel back to Hyrule Castle at the end of the road (call Eponawith the flowers on the way to go faster) and the postman will deliveryou two letters. In Hyrule Town, go in the south road from the centralsquare and down the back alley at the right leading to Telma's Bar.Watch the cutscene inside, then get ready to escort Ilia and the Zorato Kakariko. Equip your boomerang and your bow. Quickly head for the bridge before the carriage. Oneof the Marauder's minions will be waiting for you there. Take out yourbow and run towards it. Shoot an arrow into its chest, then turn aroundand repeat the same thing to take him down. You'll obtain the GateKeys. Now on to Kakariko. Remember to follow the purple path on yourmap and always ride in front of the carriage. You'll come to an areawith archers shooting fire arrows at the carriage. If one touches thecarriage, use your boomerang on it to put out the fire. Make sure thecarriage isn't on fire when you get to the gate at the end of the road.Get off Epona and unlock the gate with the keys.
You'll then get attacked by more monsters ridingboars. Take them down with arrows, then shoot the bird monster furtheron before the carriage gets there or it will deviate. Don't forget touse the boomerang if the carriage takes on fire. At the end of thepath, get off Epona and open the gate so the carriage can go through.After the cutscene in Kakariko Village, the Zora Queen will come toyou. Follow her into the graveyard and crawl through the hole in thewall to get to a secret cave. Rutela will give you the Zora Armor tothank you for saving her son. Now return to Barnes Bomb shop and purchase theWater Bombs. Go back to the secret cave where you got the armor and puton the Iron Boots and Zora Armor to sink to the bottom of the water.Use a water bomb on the boulder at the right to reveal a passageleading back to Lake Hylia. Once there, swim to the center of the lakeand dive down to the very bottom of the lake to find the temple (youcan use the iron boots to dive quicker). Put on a water bomb on thecracked ground in front of the entrance while wearing the boots, thenset another bomb on the air jet to break open the door leading insidethe temple.Swim through the tunnel to enter the temple. Openthe two chests here to get some Arrows and Water Bombs, then head upthe stairway and pull the gold chain to open the gate ahead. Go throughit to a room with stalactites. First thing, equip your Bow + Arrowcombo and shoot down those stalactites. Then cross the room using themas platforms and open the chest on the ledge on your left for WaterBombs. Go through the following hallway. In the main room, head down the stairway, ignoringthe chain. Head right around the bottom of the stairway until you findanother chain. Pull it to rotate the stairway. Head back up and go leftto find a moving jar. Break it to obtain the Oocoo. Then go right andyou'll find another chain, at the right of a doorway (second chain).Pull it to rotate the stairway once again. Then head down and go rightto find a chest. Open it to acquire the Map. Now head through the doorat the bottom of the stairway. Cross the hallway to the next room. Head over to thepillar in the center with vines on it and climb around it to reach theother side. Jump on the little rock pillar nearby and look up to spot astalactite. Shoot it down, then use it to cross and open the chest onthe other pillar for a Small Key. Now leave this room the way you camein; there's a vine covered wall to climb back up on the opposite sideof the room. Back in the large room with the rotating stairway, goupstairs and head left to the next door. Unlock it with the key and gothrough. Cross the hallway to the next room.
Go left for a chest containing Water Bombs, thenright. Look up to spot two staglactites; shoot them down. Then get onthe left one and climb up the vines on the wall. Drop down on the ledgeabove and pull the chain here to open the gate below. Fall down (ignorethe first door) and throw a bomb at the boulder blocking the way. Gothrough the door on the other side and in next room with the sludge,enter the door on the left. Open the chest at the end of the hallwayafter jumping down to obtain another Small Key. Now head back to theroom with the sludge enemy and open the locked door.Jump down into the pit on the right in the room hereand climb up the vine on the other side. Run up the path circlingaround the room and open the chest at the top for Water Bombs. Thenclimb up the ladder on the side of the bridge. Jump towards the chainhere to pull it and open the door, letting the water in. Climb back ontop of the bridge and jump down into the water way below, or slide downthe path. Get on the platform in the center and pull the chain here tooto open another door for the water. Now go through the door at the endof the water stream and follow the stream up to a door on the leftbefore the waterwheel. Go through it to be back in one of the previousrooms. The structure in the center is now activated.If you look down into this room, you'll see downbelow is the other room from before, the one with the vine coveredpillar in the center. Drop down there and climb back up to theentrance. You can now see around the central pillar are some platformsmoving around it. Jump on one of them and let them carry you to thedoor on the right side of the room. Go through it and then head left tofind a chest at the end of the hallway. Open it for a Small Key. Headback to the previous room and use the moving platforms to reach thedoor on the other side. Go through it, then unlock the door ahead andenter the next room.
The tunnel here is filled with water, so put on yourIron Boots to sink to the bottom and go right into the passage to finda chest containing a Red Rupee (and left for a chest with Water Bombs).Then blow up the boulder blocking the path ahead with a water bomb.Swim through the tunnel to emerge in a large room. Mini-boss time. Lookup at the ceiling to spot it. Shoot a few arrows at it to start, thenhit its tongue a couple of times while it's lying on the ground. Thenwhen it opens its mouth to roar, shoot a bomb/arrow (combo) in. Shoot alast arrow/bomb, then finish it off with a few hits on its tongueagain. Open the chest it leaves behind to acquire the Clawshot. Nowhead for the door and with the Clawshot, aim for the target above toopen it. Cross the hallway to the next room. Back in the room with the moving platforms. Jump onone of the platforms and wait until you pass by the entrance door. Leapoff the platform to it and go through the door. Cross the bridge to beback in the room with the rotating stairway. Water is now flowing in.Go right and use the Clawshot (aiming at the vine covered ceiling) tobe lifted over the fence blocking your way. Open the chest on the otherside of the fence for some Arrows, then keep going right around theroom until you find yourself right behind the stairway. Look up to spota target above. Use the Clawshot to pull the lever and rotate thestairway, allowing the water to run down it. (Also, if you target theceiling with the clawshot while on the top balcony, you can get on thechandelier, where you'll find a chest containing a Heart Piece.)
Now go through the door where the water is flowing through and follow thestream to another room. Aim up the ceiling on the left side of thisroom to spot some targets on the giant cog above. Use to Clawshot toreach a platform right below one of the targets. Open the chest here toobtain Water Bombs. Then look at the top of the big column on the sideof the wall to spot some vines. Aim for them with the clawshot to bedragged to them. Then climb to the right and drop on the ledge here.Look up to the top of the column to spot another patch of vines higheron. Aim for it with the Clawshot, then climb to the left and drop onthe ledge. Now look at the wall nearby to see more vines. Aim to them,then climb right and go through the door here.In the hallway here, go right to see some waterjets. Shoot the stalactite above the right jet with a bomb/arrow comboto create a platform that will go up. Get on it to reach the ledgeabove. Drop down to the hallway on the other side, then aim for thetarget on the ceiling to open the gate. This time, use your Clawshot toaim for the target above the door at the end. Go through that door,then in the next room, aim for the ceiling in the center of the roomabove that hole in the wall. The ceiling is covered in vines, so hangon it and move straight ahead to the adjacent room. Drop down on theledge on your left, then cross to the ledge on the right, eitherswimming or using the Clawshot.
Climb onto the path and head up until you reach ahuge gap. Use the Clawshot on the target on the other side to cross,then keep heading up, use your Clawshot over another gap, then up tothe bridge at the top. Climb up the ladder on the right side, then pullthe chain atop the bridge. Drop down after you have done this and usethe Clawshot to aim for the target at the back of the wall behind thewater flow. Open the chest here to find the Compass. Now fall off tothe very bottom of the room into the water and climb onto the platformin the center. Pull the chain here (you've done this already, but mustdo it again). Then head back out of the room the way you came in,grabbing onto the vine covered ceiling.Head through the left door, then dive down and openthe chest at the bottom of the water for a Red Rupee. Then go throughthe door directly on your right behind the waterwheel. Back in thatlarge room with the cogs. Drop down to the area right below, where themoving platforms are. Enter the door on the right side using theClawshot and one of the targets on the moving cog above. In the nextroom, jump into the water and put on the Iron Boots. There is a boulderin one of the corners; blow it up with a water bomb or using the spikeyenemy nearby.
Then swim through the tunnel and dive down to findanother boulder on the right. Blow it up, then swim up the tunnel toresurface on the other side of the room. Go through the door here. Aimat the target on the ceiling in the next room with the Clawshot toopen a trap in the floor. Immediatly drop down to go through it.Open the chest below to obtain the Big Key. Now work your way backto the rotating stairway room and pull the chain above the top ofthe stairway to rotate it. Then head down and go through the door atthe bottom to be back in the room with the moving platforms.
A bridge will raise thanks to the water now flowingin. Cross it to find a closed gate. Stand on the dale on the ground toopen the gate, then with the clawshot, aim for the target on the backwall (while still standing on the dale to leave the gate open). Use thetarget to go through the gate before it closes and open the chest toobtain a Heart Piece. To leave, aim for the target on the ceiling andreturn to the rotating stairway room. Jump down into the water and swimto the platform in the center below the staircase. (There is a chestcontaining a Red Rupee in the water below, also) Open the door with thebig key to enter the boss' den and drop down in the hole in the center.
Twilit Aquatic MorpheelPut on your Iron Boots to sink down and fall face to face with theboss. Equip your Clawshot and aim for the eye inside one of thetentacles to drag it to you. Strike it a few times with your sword.Then the boss will send out some enemies. Drag them one by one to youwith the Clawshot from afar, then throw them away and they'll explodeon themselves. Try to aim the Clawshot at the eye again, drag it to youand hit it a few more times. Phase two will now start. The full bosswill reveal itself and start swimming around. Take off your Iron Bootsand swim after him. Use the Clawshot and aim for the eye on its back tobe dragged to it, then slash it a couple of times. Nothing toodifficult, repeat the process a few more times to win the fight. Getthe Fused Shadow, pick up your Heart Container, then leave the temple.Return to Hyrule Castle Now you'll need to return to Hyrule Castle to seeZelda. Remember that passage leading into the castle Telma mentioned?Head back to Hyrule Castle Town and try to enter Telma's bar, only tobe turned down. Luck out of your mishap, Telma's cat will come to yourhelp and show you another way in. Push the crate nearby against thewall, then work your way to the window to get in. Cross the ropes onyour right, but make sure not to knock down any jars. In the next room,jump down and spot the Poe using your senses. Obtain the Poe's Soul bydefeating it, then talk to the gold statue on the throne. Appears hewants you to help him find 20 Poe's Souls (you can do this later). Dropdown into the new passageway leading down the sewers. After sliding down the tunnel, pull the lever toopen the gate, then slide down some more into a larger room. Pick upthe wooden stick on the ground on your right and light it using thefire. Then burn down the spiderweb blocking the path and head into thenext room, bringing the firey stick with you. Light the three torchesaround the room here, then climb into the ledge on the left and burnthe spiderweb. Cross the next room and enter the smaller room on theright. Dig into the ground in the middle of the floor to end up inanother area. Climb up the stairway here, using the ropes to cross,until you get to the top of the room. Go through the door here to windup on the roof. Head along the rooftops like you did at the beginningof the game. At one point you'll come to a gap. Wait for the wind toblow the little footbridge, then jump on it and cross. Enter the windowin the tower at the end and run upstairs to see the Princess. After thecutscene, warp to North Faron Woods.The Master Sword Head over to where the Forest Temple is and save themonkey by defeating the enemies. Then walk up to the cliff the monkeyshows you and jump all the way to the other side using Midna. Cross thebridge here and wait at the edge. The wind will eventually blow androtate the bridge so you can safely reach the ground. Then carefullycross the ropes and enter the cave on the other side to find yourselfinside the Sacred Grove. Go left to the howling stone and play the howlsong (Middle, Up, Down, Middle, Up, Down) to call the Skull Kid. Then head into the cave and follow him. To find him, look for the glowof its lantern. Everytime you catch up to him, attack it and he'llreappear elsewhere. Do this until you chase him up a tree branch. He'llopen a new passageway. Go in and drop down. The Skull Kid will warparound the room while enemies try to attack you. Don't get too close;use the Energy Field to catch him and attack him three times. A newpassage will then open. In the next area, stand on the Triforce pad on theground and play the song shown on screen. Now you'll need to move backthe guardians to their original emplacements by moving around. Simplyfollow the path shown the screenshot below. You start at the circle,follow the line. The guardians will then open the gate for you. Goinside to find the Master Sword.
(left: Gamecube version, right: Wii version)
Now warp back to Lake Hylia. Head over to the cliffon your right and take back your human form. Climb up the ladder, thenhead straight ahead and climb up the watchtower to meet with Auru andreceive Auru's Memo. If you want, there also is a Poe next to thewatchtower. Turn into wolf form and defeat it for a Poe's Soul. Nowwith the memo in hand, go to the water house in the center of the lakeand show this memo to the man standing in front of the door. Use thecannon to be brought to Gerudo Desert. Turn into your wolf form and run along the eastside. Eventually you should spot a small dried tree atop the cliffs onyour right and a giant block. Turn back into human Link and use theClawshot to aim at the tree and get on the cliff. Then aim for theenemy flying in the air to get on the ledge above. Defeat the shadowcreatures that appear while in wolf form, then walk up to the block ontop of the cliff. Warp it to Eldin Bridge. After the bridge piece isput back into place, warp back to Gerudo Mesa. Travel forward until twoboars come running at you. Take out your bow and shoot down the twoenemies on them. Then get on one of boars and charge onward to breakthrough the barriers ahead. Climb up the path, then go right and north to thenext area. Go inside the lair ahead and head right. Kill the enemies tofind a Small Key lying on the ground afterwards. Then head back to thelocked gate and open it. A huge goblin will attack you. Avoid his axe,then when his guard is down, strike him as much as you can. Repeatuntil you defeat him. He'll put the place on fire as he leaves, soquickly get on the boar nearby and ram through the gate to escape. Headforward and look at the right of the entrance to the temple for a Poe.Defeating it using wolf Link in sense mode to get another Poe's Soul.Also, on the left, light the two torches using the lantern to make achest appear. Open it for a Purple Rupee. Then enter the next temple,Arbiter's Grounds.Head down to the first room and take out your Clawshot. Aim for the redsymbol on the wall on your right to be pulled to it. Jump across theplatforms, then go to the left of the closed gate, on the other side ofthe fence and use the Clawshot on the chain lying above the sand todrag it to you. Then pull it to open the gate. Head up and go right.Break the barrier blocking the way and open the chest in the roombehind to obtain a Small Key. Head back to the hallway and open thelocked door with it.In the next room, take out the lantern and light the two torches at theback of the room to open the door. Turn into your wolf form in the nextroom and defeat the Poe (you can only attack it while it's glowing) toobtain the Poe's Soul. Then smell what's left of the defeated Poe toget the Poe's Scent. Before anything else, go at right of the stairwayand jump across the sand pit to find a chest containing the Map, and achest containing a Heart Piece at the left of same stairway. Then useyour senses to see the trail the Poe left, leading to the wall. Diginto the spot where the trail ends and pull the chain to reveal asecret stairway.
Head down the stairway to the secret room. Push the block sticking outof the statue to reveal a chest containing a Small Key in the alcove onyour right. Then use the Clawshot on the red object you can see throughthe hole in the ceiling to reach the room above. Turn back into wolfLink and head through the door here. Use your senses and defeat the Poehiding on the right to obtain another Poe's Soul. Now head back to theprevious room and jump back down the hole. Push the block to reopen thedoor to the room where the first Poe was.
Go through the door right above the secret stairway and unlock the doorin the next room. Head for the back of the room, following the trailwhile you use your senses, and change back to normal Link. Pull andpush the fenced block into the alcove in the wall on the right. Then goup the stairs and climb to the area on the right. Pull the chain fromthe wall to raise a platform on the left. Then hurry through that pathbefore the platform comes down and head up to the next room.Open the chest in the alcove behind the statue to find the Compass,then rotate the statue to open the paths on the sides. Start by goingin the right path and break through the barriers. Defeat the enemybehind and open the chest to get a Small Key. Then return to the statueand go through the left path. Unlock the door and head inside the nextroom. Defeat the skeletons in this hallway using the field attack, thenuses your senses to spot the Poe's scent in one of the corners. Diginto the ground where the trail ends and pull the chain to open asecret area behind the left wall. Defeat the Poe hiding here to get thePoe's Soul.
Walk over to the door at the other side of the hallway and in the nextroom, jump down and open the chest at the right to get a Small Key,then go up the ledge at the back of the room and use the spin attack toget rid of the rats. Unlock the door here to be back in the main room.Jump on the round platform in the center to reach the door on the otherside. In the next room is another fenced block on the left; push itonwards, then climb onto it and pull the chain in the wall to raise theplatform on the right. Now stand under it right in the middle as itlowers back down onto you. Climb on it and jump straight ahead to thedoor you can see on the left. Go through it.
Break through the barrier in the next room, then use the shield attackand spin attack to take down the skeleton. Once it's lying on theground, use a bomb on it to defeat it (open the chests behind to obtainsome Bombs if you need). Go through the now opened door, then head tothe back of the next room and take out the lantern. There is one torchehere and a row of torches behind it. Light the rightmost torch of theback row and the front torch to open the door on the right. In the nextroom, turn into wolf Link and use your senses to spot the Poe on theleft. He will split and you will have to find the right one. It's theone with the glowing aura. Defeat it to obtain another Poe's Soul.
Now head back to the main room where you got the first Poe and the maingate will open; go in. Head through the door on the left and drop downin the tunnel here. Push the column in the center until the platformraises up to passageways in the wall. One of them has a chestcontaining a Small Key at the end. Once you've got it, go back to thecolumn and rotate it again, but the other way around to lower theplatform this time. At the very bottom, a door will be revealed. Unlockit with the key and go through it. Cross the next room as wolf Link,avoiding the spikes. Pull the chain at the right of the door at theback of the room to open said door, then quickly run to it before itcloses and head to the next room.
Go through this room, avoid the blades, then go right to find the Oocooin a jar. Then through the door at the left. Roll under the spinningpoles in the next area and head through the path ahead. Defeat allthree skeletons in this room (the third one is in the alcove across thesand pit) the same way you did before. This will open a gate in theprevious room. Return to the spinning poles area and head down the pathnow open. Jump across the gap, then head through the door to face themini-boss.
To make the boss appear, slash one of the ropes holding the sword. Thentransform into your wolf form and use your senses to be able to see theboss. Wait for him to try and miss his attack, then strike him a coupleof times until he becomes visible and turn back to your normal form.Shoot an arrow at him, then slash him a few times and repeat until he'sdefeated. Open the chest in the new room to acquire the Spinner. Useyour new item on one of the railings around the room to reach the doorand enter the previous room.Ride the spinner on the railing at the left, then on the right railing,and go through the door here. Ride above the sand and cross to theother side. Ride up the railing ahead to get to a chest containing aHeart Piece at the back, behind the spinning poles. Then ride therailings up to the top of the room and go through the door. Open thechest in the next room to get the Big Key. Get on the Spinner and ridethe railings over the sand pit behind the chest to be back in a roomfrom previously. Use the spinner in the center of the room to activatethe cogs and open another room. Go in and ride up the spinner aroundthe room until you are halfway to the top. Jump from the railing indirection of the pillar in the center and spin in the middle of it tomake another railing come up. Ride it up to the boss door and open it.Twilit Fossil StallordWalk up to the skeleton to start the fight. In the first phase, youwill need to ride the railing around the room to gain some speed withthe spinner, then ride towards the boss in the center, avoiding theenemies, and ram into his bonespin. Doing this three times willcompletely destroy it and only his skull will remain. Use the spinneron the pad in the center to raise the a column with railings. Ride itup until you get near the top and have the boss in sight. Jump back andforth between the railings on the column and the railings on the wallto avoid the fireballs until you're really close to the boss. Jump intoit to hit it and it'll fall on the ground. Slash him a couple of times,then start the process over, but avoiding the blades on the railings.After striking him three times, he will finally be defeated. Pick upyour Heart Container and exit.The Twilight Mirror You'll find yourself at the back of the temple on the other side. Headup to the Mirror Chamber and you'll be attacked by five shadowcreatures. Use the field attack as wolf Link to take them down. Thenride up the statue using the railing around it. Use the spinner in thepad at the top to reveal the Mirror of Twilight. It has been shatteredinto three pieces and scattered around Hyrule. Your next task will beto gather them. Warp to Zora's Domain and head down the waterfall outside the cave.Head into the tunnel on the left side to reach SnowPeak. Talk withAshei to receive Ashei's sketch, then warp to Kakariko Village andenter the Graveyard. Crawl inside the cave where you found the Zora'sArmor and talk with the Zora Prince. Show him Ashei's sketch to receivethe Coral Earring. It will allow you to catch reekfish. Now return toZora's Domain. Swim over to the opposite shore of the cave leading toSnowpeak and fish at this spot. Once you catch a Reekfish, turn intowolf Link and get the Reekfish Scent. Now follow the trail left by the Reekfish scent to SnowPeak. Keepfollowing it across the ice platforms and onto the mountain. Climb upthe cliffs until you get to what seems to be a dead-end. Ram into thewall and the snow will fall, creating a way for you to go up. Followthe ledge to a Howling Stone, then dig into the wall where the trailends to enter a cave. Turn back into normal Link, then climb the ladderand vine covered wall. Go through the door at the end to be backoutside. You'll be attacked by shadow creatures a little further on. Defeatthem, then walk up to the Yeti as normal Link. Ram into the tree tomake an ice leaf fall, then get on it and slide down the mountain untilyou reach a manor. Enter.Walk up to the hall where the two stairways are and turn into your wolfform. Use your senses to spot a Poe and defeat it to obtain a Poe's Soul. Then enter the room ahead and talk to the Yeti's wife toacquire the Map. Go through the door she opens on the left to find theYeti making some soup in the next room. You call fill one of your bottles with it to replenish some health. Also, look behind the shelveson the left to find the jar containing the Oocoo. Now go through thedoor at the right. In this room, push the first block left, then the second block up, left,up, right and onto the switch. This will open a door; go through it. Inthe hallway here, turn into wolf form and dig into the wall to end upin the courtyard. Open the chest on the right for a Red Rupee, then goleft to find a chest burried in the snow. Dig it up and open it for aSmall Key. Then go through the door at the right of the hole you came infrom. Open the door on the right in the hallway with the key. In the nextroom, destroy the enemies with the Bomb + Arrow combo, since you can'ttouch them. The door on the other side will then open; go through it.In the following room you'll spot a chest behind another door. Try togo through it, but two enemies will block your way. Use the Shield Attack followed by the Helm Split to defeat them, then open the chestto obtain the Ordon Pumpkin. Head back to see the Yeti's wife and give the pumpkin to her husband to improve the soup. Talk with the wife once more to obtain another clueas to where the key is. She will open a new room; go in to be back inthe courtyard. Walk up to the top-right corner and head through the opening in the wall to end back up inside. In the next room, pick up thecannonball and carry it to the cannon on the other side of the room.Insert it in, then rotate the cannon using the handles, until it'sfacing left. Place a bomb in the cannon (from your inventory) to blowup the ice wall at the back, revealing a door. Go through the door tothe next room. In here, go left and walk straight ahead on the first beam. Kill the batswith the clawshot and knock down the ice enemies. At the end of the beam,jump across to the adjacent beam on the right. Open the chest for a Red Rupee and the other one in the corner for the Compass. Then clawshotback to the door using the target beside it. Now head back to thecourtyard through the window as wolf Link and use your senses to find aspot where you can dig. Dig in this spot to reveal a chest containing aSmall Key. Unlock the door on the side to get to a hallway with three cannonballs.Pull the handle next to the door (in hallway), then place one of thecannonballs in the holder and head back outside through the same door.Pull the handle on this side of the wall to get the cannonball to you.Pick it up and carry it over to the cannon in the middle of the courtyard. Rotate the cannon so it's facing the opposite direction, thenplace a bomb into it to blow up the ice beast blocking the door. Go into face the mini-boss. Walk to the other side of the hallway to start the fight. When the knightreaches out to you, either roll past him or use the Clawshot on the targets on the ceiling to fly over. Once you're at a good distance, wait for him to throw the chain at you, avoid it, then run to its backside and slash it a couple of times. Repeat until you defeat him. Pick up theBall and Chain on the floor. With this, you can smash down ice walls.(If you want, you can return to the entrance hall and destroy the knightarmor statues with your new weapon to reveal some chests containing a Red Rupee, Yellow Rupee and a Poe for a Poe's Soul.) But for now, headthrough the door at the end of the hallway and break the ice wall toreveal a chest. Inside is the Ordon Goat Cheese. Take the goat cheese to the Yeti to improve the soup again. Then talk tohis wife to open the last door. In the room behind, break through theice wall, then head up the path to the top of the room, after takingdown the ice beasts with the Ball and Chain. Go through the door on theleft and lock-on to the chandelier in the center of the room. Hit itwith the Ball and Chain to make it wobble, then jump on it to reach thechest on the other side. Open it for a Small Key. Now go back to theprevious room and head right. Beside the red carpet on the ground, youwill notice the floor is cracked. Blow it with a bomb to open a hole.Jump in to get to a chest below containing a Heart Piece. Head back to the floor above with the red carpet using the clawshotthrough the hole. Unlock the door at the end of the room using the keyand you'll be back in the entrance hall, but upstairs. Start by knockingthe chandelier in the middle of the gap separating both parts of thebalcony, then jump on it while it's wobbling and do the same with thechandeliers on the left to ultimately reach a chest containing anotherHeart Piece on the other side. Then go to the other end of the balconyand head through the door. Defeat the enemies in this room with the Ball and Chain, then break theice wall to reveal a Poe behind. Defeat it for another Poe's Soul. Thengo through the door on the right. You'll end back in the room with theblock puzzle. Jump down and break the ice around the switch in the center, as well as the ice block in the corner to reveal a new block.So you now have three blocks. Block 1 - block sitting on switch from earlierBlock 2 - block right beside Block 1Block 3 - block you just defrozed Never touch block 2, leave it right where it is. Start by pushing block 1down, then block 3 up, right, and down. Now go back to block 1 and push it left, up, right, down. The door above should open. Climb back up andgo through it. (Gamecube version)(Wii version) You're now on the ledge around the courtyard. Cross using the ruinedledge on the left, then use the clawshot through the opening in thedestroyed wall on the other side to get to an adjacent room. Go throughthe door here, then use the chandeliers in this new room to cross.Open the chest for a Small Key, then go through the door and head backacross to the ice room where you fought the Poe hidden behind the wall.Open the locked door here with the key. In the next room, defeat the ice breathing beasts by throwing the Balland Chain from afar. Then push the two blocks in the back wall to haveaccess from a room from earlier. Head down the path in this room andgo through the door at the right. Push the block here, then get a cannonball and return to the door you came from. Use the holder andhandle like you did previously to get the cannonball to the other sideof the wall. Go to pick the cannonball and head up the slope to the topof the room. Break the ice wall here to reveal a cannon. Rotate it soit's facing the cages where the ice beasts were. Put the cannonball in,then drop a bomb to send the cannonball to the room from before. Headback to this room and use the holder next to the other door to get thecannonball outside. Go through the door, then pick back up the cannonballand carry it to the cannon. Rotate it towards the northeast corner wherethe beast is and blow it up with a bomb. Now jump down into the courtyard and head over to the hallway where thecannonballs are. Climb up the ladder at the left and go through thedoor. Defeat the army of soldiers in this room, then open the chest toacquire the Bedroom Key. Head back outside and the Yeti's wife willlead you to the bedroom. Climb up the slope and unlock the door. Twilit Ice Mass BlizzetaIn phase one, smash the ice around her with the Ball and Chain severaltimes until there's nothing left. She will then enter phase two. She'lllaunch ice pillars at you; avoid them by running around, then she'lltry to catch you between the pillars. Roll out of their way as you seetheir reflect on the ice floor. After she misses her attack, hit herwith the Ball and Chain. Repeat two more times to defeat her and acquirea Mirror Shard. Pick up the Heart Container and head out. Now our next destination is North Faron Woods. Warp there and talk toRusi on the little cliff past Trill's shop, at the right of the slopeleading to the Forest Temple. He'll tell you about a temple hidden deepinto the gorge. Pick up the gold cucco and leap off the cliff ahead,flying towards a platform a little further on. Land on it, then jumpon the root and then into the tunnel on the right. You've been herebefore while going to the Sacred Grove. Rotate the bridge using theboomerang, then use the cucco to glide over to it. Rotate it again,then cross using the cucco while avoiding the logs. Head in the cave ahead and follow the Skull Kid inside the woods. You'llneed to find him three times, following the lantern glow. When you hearthe trumpet, he's nearby. First, he'll hide behind a tree, then on topof a rock above the water (use an arrow to strike him), and then on topof a high tree branch above your head. Shoot him down, then he'll opena new path. Follow him in. To defeat him, you'll need to shoot him witharrows three times. Simply aim where he appears, ignore the enemies, thiscan be done in ten seconds. A door will open to the Sacred Grove. Push down the block at the entrance, then head down where the block felland move onward. Head up the stairs to the pedestal in the center andstrike it with the Master Sword. Now head to the newly opened door revealed behind the statue. You'll get attacked by shadow creatures. Defeat them to open a new warp portal, then head into the door to findyourself in a familiar place. In the room ahead, strike the pedestal withthe sword to open up a passage leading to the Temple of Time.Walk up to the back of the room to notice the missing statue. Turn intoyour wolf form and use your senses to see it. Then turn back into Link and pick up the statuette on the left. Carry it to the right and put itdown on the switch to raise a platform. Climb up to the stairway usingit, then go upstairs and downstairs on the other side to find two torches. Light them up with the Lantern to make a chest appear, whichcontains a Small Key. Then head back up to find Oocoo. Open the topdoor with the key you just found. In the next room, pick up the jar and put it down on the switch in themiddle to open the gate ahead. Get the chest behind for some Arrows, thengo right where the spider enemy is and shoot down the jar from afar toclose back the gate and reopen the one behind you. Head upstairs to thenext room and kill the lizard enemies. Climb up the ledge on the left andopen the chest for a Red Rupee. Then defeat the statue enemy by strikingthe circle on its back (roll around it to get behind, then strike). A chest will appear containing the Map. Then pick up the two jars and placethem on the two switches on each side of the gate to open it. Head up andgo through the door. In this room, head up the big stairway going around the room, but you'llsoon notice a part of it is missing. Use the Spinner on the track on theside of the wall to cross the gap. Go right at the top and rotate thepillar in the center to bring the platform down. Pick up the statuettehere and bring it on the platform with you. Rotate the pillar again to goback up, with the statuette. Carry the statuette around the platform toplace it on one of the two sitches on the other side. Then go around tofind a second statuette; bring it to the remaining switch, but beforeputting it down, stand on the white platform. Then put down the statuetteon the second switch to make the platform go up, with you on it. Headthrough the door here. Defeat the two statue enemies here to make a chest appear containing aSmall Key. There's also a chest at the back with a Red Rupee. Rememberto come back here later for a piece of heart. Now go back to the previousroom and open the locked door on the other side with the key. In thefollowing room, strike the green diamond to move a wall. Go into the newpassage and stand on the tile in the middle. Shoot an arrow through thehole in front of you to hit the diamond and move back the wall. Go intothe new passage and open the chest behind to acquire the Compass. Thenstand on the tile here and shoot an arrow through the holes to hit thediamond and move the wall again. Head into the passageway on the left to reach the next room. In this room, shoot the diamond while standing the tile to move the wallsso you can get to the next section. Defeat the lizard, then shoot the diamond from there to move the other wall. Repeat the same thing with thenext wall, then move on to the next room. Kill all the spiders in hereusing the field attack as the worlf or the spinner to make a chest appearcontaining a Purple Rupee. Then go up the stairway to find a big scale.Get on it and pick up the jar. Throw it on the other plate to raise theone you are on. Cross and go through the door on the other side. Cross the next room and go right. Avoid the traps here and get the cheston the left for a Small Key. Pick up the statuette in the other corner and place it on the switch to take down the field blocking your way.Kill the spiders in the room ahead to make a chest appear containing aPurple Rupee. Then defeat the statue enemies to open the gate. Go throughthe door to enter the mini-boss' lair. Knock down the knight's armor withsecret skills, then he'll be more agile, but also more vulnerable. Attackhis right side. Keep attacking him until you defeat him, then open thechest to find the Dominion Rod. Above the chest in this room is a ledge with the missing statue on. Use the Rod and aim at it to bring it to life. Move towards the door to havethe statue following you. Make it stand on the pad in front of the doorto warp it to the previous room. You'll need to get it back to the mainroom. Bring the statue to life again, then swing the Rod while the statueis standing beside the gate blocking your way to have it smash it down.Then pick up a jar below and place it on the switch to lower the whiteplatform. Move the statue on the platform, then smash the jar to raise the platform with the statue on. Move the statue downstairs and make it stand on the switch ahead of youto take down the field. Deactivate the statue and cross. In the nextroom with the spinning spikes, destroy the laser eye enemy in the centerwith your statue's help (place it beside, then swing the Rod to have thestatue crush it). This will reveal the switch that was under it. Move your statue to the white platform across the room, then use the Rod onone of the small statuettes on the pillars on each side to move it downto you. Pick it up and place it on the switch in the middle to raise thewhite platform where you left the statue. Move it to the pad to warp itone floor down. In the room with the scale, get the statue on the first plate, then throwa bunch of statuettes on the other plate to bring both at the same level.You can find more statuettes on the other side, on the ledge above, andone on one of the pillars below. Get them down using the Rod. Once bothplates are at the same level, move the statue across and move it down onthe pad to warp it. Now before leaving this room, there is a secret room to get to. Stand onthe highest plate of the scale and take out your Clawshot. Target theceiling to get on the platform in the middle above. Use the spinner onthe track around the wall to get to a ledge with a Poe and a chest. Defeat the Poe for a Poe's Soul and open the chest for a Red Rupee. Thenenter the room here. Defeat all the enemies in this room using theclawshots on the enemies' shells. Then use the clawshot to get on theledge at the top of the room. Open the chest here for a Red Rupee, thenplace the two statuettes on the switches. You're still missing two, though. Stand on the edge of the ledge and aim for the enemies' shellsleft on the ground with the clawshot to drag them to you. Place both onthe two remaining switches and the gate below will open. Open the chestbehind to obtain the Big Key. In the room with the moving walls, move the statue towards the center,then move the walls by hitting the diamond like previously. Place thestatue on the switch to take down the field, then go left and open thechest to get a Heart Piece. Then move the statue, walls and head on tothe next room. If the gate here is closed, hit the diamond in the previous room to open it. Now shoot the diamond in the next room and move the statue to the warp pad. Move the walls and head to the nextroom. Rotate the pillar in the center from the other side to raise theplatform. Move the statue to the center to get it on the platform androtate the pillar twice to lower it to ground level. Defeat all the spiders here to take down the field and move the statue around the roomto the gate where you can see a Poe behind. Smash the gate using theRod and statue, then defeat the Poe for a Poe's Soul. Move the statuearound the room some more to find the warp pad and smash the gate heretoo. Warp the statue to the next room. Now if you return to the room across the platform on the second levelof this room, a chest is indicated on your map, but you can't see it.To make it visible, use the Rod on the statuette on the other side ofthe fenced ledge at the back of the room and move it to the switch atthe end. Then pick up a statuette from the ground and throw it on theledge on the opposite side. Move it to the switch. The chest will appear;open it for a Heart Piece.
After warping the statue, go back through the bottom door of the largeroom and at the end of the hallway, the path is blocked by a gate. Usethe Clawshot on the target on the ceiling to get over the gate. Thenmove the statue down to the next room and smash down the gate by swingingthe Rod. Move the statue to the pad to warp in back to the main room.Head back to the first room and move the statue to its originalemplacement on the side of the door. Go through the door and cross the hallway avoiding the obstacles. Onceyou reach the other side, pick up a statuette and throw it on the switchto open the first gate. Then go through it and use the Rod from afar tomove the statuette out of the switch. This will close the first gate,but open the second one. Use the Big Key on the door here to access theboss area. Twilit Arachnid ArmagohmaIt'll crawl on the ceiling around the room. When it opens its eye, shootit with an arrow. The boss will fall down in one of the corners beside abig statue. Use the Rod on the statue and swing it to make the statuesmash the boss. It'll crawl back to the ceiling. Avoid its eye laser atall cost, since one hit can basically kill you. Defeat the small spiderssent at you, then repeat the same process two more times. All will be left is the eye. Run after with the spinner to kill the small spidersaround it, or use arrows, bombs, or whatever you prefer to get rid ofthese spiders. Then slash the eye a few times to vanquish it, finally.Get your Mirror Shard and Heart Container, then head out.
Ilia's Memories and the Hidden Village If you pay Telma's bar a visit, and give the map on the table a look you'll learn where Shad is, the next person you'll need to speak with.Head to Kakariko Village and talk to Renaldo in the sanctum by thespring to receive Renaldo's Letter. Now warp back to Hyrule Castle Townand show the letter to Telma to receive the Invoice. Then head over todoctor's house in the West Road. Show him the Invoice, then go to the back of the room and push the crate. Sniff the green medecine behind itas wolf Link to learn the medecine scent. Follow the scent back to Telma's bar and talk to her cat. Exit by the south entrance of the town and wait for night fall. Head downstairs to the field and you'll be attacked by skeleton wolves (they only appear in the night). Defeat them with the wolf's field attack and you'll receive the Wooden Statue. Now go back to Kakariko and show the statue to Ilia so she gets back some oh her memories. Warp to the bridge of Eldin and move onward until you across a smallwooden footbridge. Then look on the right of the path for a small cavein the mountainside. Go in and the Goron will open up the path leading tothe Hidden Village. You'll need to rid the village of enemies. Run to theend of the village, avoiding the arrows. Barrels should explode and killtwo enemies. Take out your bow and shoot the two enemies on the roof onthe left and on the watchtower. There is some others on the balconies,through windows, one behind a house, others inside the houses and thelast one on a roof you can shoot through a hol in the ceiling of one ofthe houses. There are 20 total to take down. Once you're done, Impa willcome out and give you Ilia's Charm. Before leaving, there's a howlingstone in the courtyard behind one of the houses. Break through the windowto reach it. Now return to Kakariko and show the charm to Ilia to give her back some more memories. She will then make you gift of the Horse Call. Nowhead back to the hidden village and show the Dominion Rod to Impa toreceive the Ancient Sky Book. Go back to Kakariko once more and head tothe basement in the sanctum. Show the book to Shad. Now your next taskis to find six statues hidden through the land. The Rod and the Ancient Language For the first statue, warp to Kakariko Gorge and walk northeast tofind the statue below some cliffs at the end of the valley, where thepath heads up. Move the statue with the Dominion Rod, then stand in theglowing symbol on the ground to obtain the first sky character. For the second statue, warp to Eldin Bridge and walk to the north endof the bridge. On the right ledge is the statue. Move it, then stand onthe symbol to obtain the second sky character. For the third statue, warp to South Faron Woods. Go to the area withthe man who gave you the Lantern. On the right side is a boulder; blow itup with a bomb to reveal another area behind. Move the statue at the backand stand on the symbol to obtain the third sky character. For the fourth statue, warp to Gerudo Mesa. Head left to the red doton the map to see the statue on a pillar. Move it down, then place itbeside the pillar, between this one and the other one at the left. Climbon the left one, then jump on the statue to reach the pillar with thesymbol. Stand on it to obtain the fourth character. For the fifth statue, warp to Hyrule Castle. Follow the right path leading to the ruined watch point. Move the statue on the pillar and place it between the ruined stairway and the pillar. Jump from the stairsto the statue to the pillar and stand on the symbol to obtain the fifthsky character. For the sixth and last statue, warp back to the castle and head to the Great Hylia Bridge. At the right, look on the mountainside to spotthe statue. Move it out of the wall, then move it towards you about twofeet so it's positioned right under the vines above. Now clawshot yourself to these vines and drop down to land on the statue. Leapto the alcove and stand on the symbol to obtain the last sky character. Now that you have found all the sky characters, head back to Kakarikoand show the completed sky book to Shad. After he leaves the basement,move the big statue here with the Rod. Then go into the passageway behindto find the cannon. Get near it and Midna will appear. Try to warp the cannon, but Shad's in the way. Talk to him to have him walk away, thenfinally warp the cannon to Lake Hylia. Talk to the man at the water houseand pay him 300 rupees to repair the cannon. Then use the Clawshot on thetarget at the back of the cannon to be launched to the City in the Sky.There's a shop here, and the temple. To open the gate of the temple, shoot the diamond switch above the door. Inside, pick up an Oocoo andleap over the gap to glide to the other side. Then clawshot yourself tothe vine covered pillar on the ledge nearby. Pick another Ooocoo and glide over the second gap. Climb to the door and head to the next room. Go right and look at the first window to see a hole in it. Clawshot tothe window's grating and go through the hole to end up outside. Dropdown and use the Spinner to spin the cogs and raise a bridge. Then clawshot yourself to the vines on the left across the gap. Cross the bridge and enter the new room. Aim for the ceiling here with the clawshotand open the chest on the other side for a Small Key. Now head back across the bridge to the room where you went through the window and you'll see a dragon smash down the bridge. Clawshot to the vine covered pillars to cross the gap and go through theopposite door. Be quick as the blue tiles fall under your steps. Outside,go left and use the Spinner to spin the cogs and raise another bridge.Cross it and unlock the door on the other side. In the next room, go leftand aim for the diamond switch in the middle of the room to stop a windshaft. Then clawshot yourself to the vine covered pillar. Go through thenearby door and open the chest on the left to acquire the Map. Then goback to the previous room and go through the door on the right. Cross the room here by jumping over the small gaps, while watching out for the air jets. Use the boomerang on the monsters hiding under the tiles before jumping. Work your way to the chest containing a YellowRupee, then cross to the door on the other side of the room. Defeat thetwo lizard enemies here (you can push them down in the pits to makethings shorter), then clawshot to the top of the back wall using the vines and climb to the alcove. Use the clawshot on the sphere in themiddle of the ceiling to activate the switch. Pick up an Oocoo and glideto the other side of the room, catching the wind draft on the way togain some altitude. Go through the door to the next room. Use the clawshot on the sphere on the ceiling to open a gate in the wall.Glide over to it using an Oocoo and the air jet to reach a chest containing a Red Rupee. Then use the Oocoo again to reach another cheston the other end of the room. Open it for a Purple Rupee. Then glide through the wall on the left and land on the right side of the room.Clawshot yourself to the sphere above to activate an air draught on theother side. Glide to it and use it to go up and through the hole at thetop of the wall. Head through the door to the next room. In this room, clawshot to the sphere on the right to open a shortcut below. Now glide to the very bottom of the room and go through the door.There is a vent in the middle of the room; clawshot to the sphere aboveit, then while hanging from there, put on the Iron Boots to stop thevent. Drop down in the room below to face the mini-boss. Aim for him with the Clawshot while he's floating above. Wait for him to raise his shield and drag him to you using the clawshot. Give him a couple of hitsuntil he flies out of the window. Keep an eye on this window with the clawshot to watch him coming back at you. Quickly drag him to you and give him a few more slashes to defeat him. Clawshot to the chest and open it to obtain the Double Clawshots. Use the clawshot on the target on the ceiling, then use your secondclawshot to aim for the next target. Once hanging from the last target,clawshot yourself to the vines in the hole in the middle of the ceiling and climb back up. Back in the previous room, make your way back to agate on the left side near the bottom. To open it, aim for the sphereabove. Then hold the control stick down to lower yourself until you arefacing the open gate. Use the second clawshot to aim for the targetbeside the door to go through the gate just in time before it closes.
Cross the next room using the targets on the pillars, but be quick as they fall down. Open the chest on the other side to acquire the Compass.Then head outside and clawshot to the gratings on the bridge above tocross. Knock down the plants with the second clawshot. Then at the end,clawshot the vines on the wall at the right and climb back up. Head backinside the main room. Go through the door ahead after clawshoting to itto cross the gap. The bridge here is now broken, but you can use theclawshots on the flying enemies above to reach the door on the other side. In the next room, drop down on the platform below at the end of theroom and cross to the other side using the targets on the pillars here. Clawshot to the target on the other side, then to the target above andfinally to the grating onto the wall. Go to the adjacent room and dropdown on the left. Aim for the plant enemies on the ceiling and get ridof them, then clawshot the target where the plant was. Lower yourselfdown by holding the stick, then turn around to see a diamond switch inthe wall. Hit it with the second clawshot to open the gate behind you.Clawshot through the gate, then go up using the targets and gratings.Open the chest on the ledge at the top for a Red Rupee. Then go throughthe door. Defeat the big plant here, then clawshot yourself to the target on thewall nearby and then to the vine covered pillar. Cross the narrow path,then before heading up, grip the ruined ledge on the side of the wall and cross it to reach the small area under the bridge. Open the chest here for a Heart Piece. Then work your way to the top of the room andclawshot the target in the middle of the ceiling. Drop down on the bridgebelow and take down the lizard enemy. Go through the door to end back upoutside. Use the clawshot on the flying enemy above, then let it carry you to thearea behind the wall. Open the chest here for a Red Rupee, then clawshotthe other flying enemy to reach yet another area behind another wall.Clawshot to the next nearby enemy, then wait until he gets near thetree on the left and clawshot the enemy there. Drop down near that tree. Defeat the Poe here for a Poe's Soul, then open the chest for a Purple Rupee. Clawshot back to the previous enemy and lower yourself so you'll pass under the wall while the enemy passes over. Clawshot to the next enemy and lower yourself to pass through the hole in the wall. Enter the door on the other side. Use the clawshot on the line of enemies above and clawshot from one tothe other to reach the other side. Once there, turn around to see another line of enemies on the right, going back the same way, butleading to a different area. Clawshot through that line to reach said area and go through the door. Open the chest here for a Heart Piece.Now cross back to the previous area and head through the door.
Climb up the vines on the right wall here, then use wolf Link to crossthe rope. Go left and climb up the vines. Open the chest on the other side for a Red Rupee, then cross the ropes ahead to get to a platform with a chest containing a Purple Rupee. Also defeat the Poe here for aPoe's Soul. Now go back down and climb back up the vines. Cross the ropeand go right this time. Cross the following ropes to reach a door. Take down the enemies in here, then clawshot the sphere on the other sideof the fan to reach a chest. Open it to obtain the Big Key. Then clawshotthe sphere again and put on the Iron Boots to stop the vent below. Dropdown in the small hole on the side of the room, then open the chest belowfor a Red Rupee. Cawshot the grating above the fan and lower yourself through the hole. Once in the room below, use the second clawshot whileit's hanging from teh first one to aim for the sphere on the ceiling.Put on the Iron Boots while hanging from the sphere to activate anotherfan. Now go through the door below that fan. Clawshot to the grating on the spinning fan ahead and cross using theothers fans. Clawshot to the stopped vent at the end and open the chestbehind the propeller for a Purple Rupee. Then go through the door. Defeatthe enemies in this room, then clawshot to the grating above the door,then to the fan in the center and hit the diamond switch to activate thefan. Climb to the top of the room using the fans, then hit the otherdiamond and clawshot to the boss door. Once on the roof, clawshot to thepillar above, then to the vines and climb up to face the boss. Twilit Dragon ArgorokAvoid his dive attack, then he'll start floating above the ground. Aim for its tail with the Clawshot while wearing the Iron Boots. Then avoidhis attack once more. Clawshot to the grating on one of the pillarsaround the area, then climb up to the top of the pillar by clawshotingback and forth between two pillars. Once you get to the top, wait for theboss to hover in the middle and aim for its tail. Put on the Iron Bootsto pull him down. Its armor will fall off. Now clawshot back to the top of the pillar like previously and clawshotto one of the flying plant enemies above. Wait for the boss to startbreathing fire, then quickly clawshot from one plant to the other (in thesame direction) quickly until you get behind the boss. Aim at the stone on its back to get on it, then slash it a couple of times. Repeat the process two more times to defeat him. After obtaining the last MirrorShard, pick up your Heart Container and head out. Warp back to the Mirror Chamber and enter the Palace of Twilight.Head inside through the east door and defeat the Zant-looking enemy at the back to make a chest appear. Open it to find a Small Key. Then usethe Clawshot to get on the ledge above the chest and unlock the door ahead. Defeat the Zant enemy in this room too to make two chests appear. The one near the entrance contains the Compass, and the one at the other end of the room contains a Small Key. There's one last chest to obtain in this room. Clawshot the target on the left wall, then the target on the ceiling to get to a ledge above. Open the chest for an Orange Rupee.Then aim for the target on the back wall and unlock the door. In the next room will be a mini-fight. You can only attack Zant's imagewhile in wolf form. Ignore the twilight minions and attack Zant a fewtimes until he's defeated. You'll now need to bring the first Sol backto the entrance. To release it from the hand, aim for it with the clawshot. Then carry it to the center of the room and put it down tomake a stairway appear. Once at the top of the stairway, use the clawshot on the Sol to bring it to you. If ever the hand gets the Solbefore you, simply target it and use the clawshot to get back the Solfrom it. In the next room, put down the Sol in the center of the room, then climb up the stairway and bring the Sol to you from above with the clawshot. Get on the ledge, then clawshot back the Sol to you and jump down on theother side. Go through the door to be back in the first room. In this room, go left in the passageway you can see on the map. The Sol will repel the fog. Use the clawshot to get on the ledge above and open the chest to get a Heart Piece. Now head back to the entrance and place the Sol in the center, in front of the temple.
A colored platform will appear on the ground. Get on it to be brought to the west entrance. Go in. Clawshot one of the targets on the wall, then the target on the ceiling. Lower yourself down by holding down the control stick and land on the moving platform below. Jump from platform to platform to reach the other side and open the chest for a Purple Rupee. Then defeat the Zant enemy to make a chest appear containing a Small Key. Unlock the door and go through. Defeat the shadow creatures in this room, then the Zant-looking enemy. Others will appear. Defeat them all to make a chest appear above. To getto the chest, clawshot the target on the right wall, then the target on the ceiling. Clawshot yourself from target to target (the ceiling ones) until you get near the chest. Pull yourself to the target on the wall behind the chest and open it to get the Map. Then cross to the other sideand open the chest for a Small Key. Head back to the end of the room and unlock the door.
Defeat Zant's image the same way you did previously in wolf form, thenget the Sol and carry it to the center of the room. Put it down, then climb up the stairway and clawshot it back to you. In the next room, place the Sol in the center, then very quickly get on the stairway thatappears before it elevates itself. Climb it up, then clawshot the Sol toyou and jump down on the other side. Go through the door to the first room. Jump from platform to platform here to reach the two dark spheres. They will light up in presence of the Sol and a new platform will appear. Geton it to be brough to the door. If ever you fall down, there is a sphere on the other side that will make a platform appear for you to go back up with the Sol. Back at the temple entrance, place the second Sol in the center next to the other one and you will obtain the Light Sword. Return to the west side of the temple (where you just came out from) and in the first room, there should be two chests left that you didn't get. Use the light platforms on the ground to jump to the alcoves on each sideof the wall. One contains a Purple Rupee, the other contains a Heart Piece. Now back at the entrance, head straight ahead to the middle section of the temple. A wall of darkness is blocking your way. Perform a Spin Attack to get rid of the fog and quickly jump across the gap. Go through the door.
Go to the other side of the room and repel the fog with your sword. Thenpick up a Sol and place it where it goes into the floor that was covered in fog previously. Do the same with the second Sol. A stairway will appear. At the top of it, slash the sphere with your sword to make a platform appear. Ride it to the other side. Defeat all the Zant-looking enemies here to make a chest appear containing a Small Key. Now stand in the middle of the three spheres and perform a Spin Attack to hit them alland make a platform appear. Ride it to a door leading to a balcony outside. Slash the two spheres at the edge of the balcony while standing in the middle to make a platform appear. Ride it to a ledge nearby. Defeat theZant enemy here, then slash the two spheres and ride the platform back tothe balcony. Defeat the rest of the Zant enemies to make a chest appear containing a Small Key. Then approach the fog in the middle of the wall and use the Spin Attack to repel it. Jump across the gap and use theClawshot on the targets on the wall. Clawshot from target to target until you reach the top. Open the chest for the Big Key. Now head through the door at the bottom. Defeat the shadow creatures in this room, then repel the fog with your sword and stand in the middle ofthe four spheres. Use the Spin Attack and ride the platform up. Jump on the one ahead to be brought to two other platforms (the other ones will lead you down). Jump on the left one to go up. Jump on the ledge, then the other platform and ride it to the other side of the room. Use the clawshot to pull yourself to a ledge along the wall. Defeat the Zant enemy, then use the clawshot again but on the target on the ceiling. Lower yourself and land on the moving platform. Ride it tothe other side and clawshot yourself to the ledge. Defeat the Zant enemyto make a chest appear. Open it for a Small Key, then ride the newly appeared platform to a new door. Go though it. Cross the next room by defeating the shadow creatures, then unlock the boss door.
Usurper King Zant Phase 1Use the boomerang to target him and pull him to you. Slash him a couple oftimes, then repeat the process. Phase 2When he jumps, put on the Iron Boots to avoid falling. Then take them offand run towards him while avoiding his shots. Slash him. Repeat. Phase 3When the mask's mouth opens, pull Zant to you with the Clawshot and slashhim. Four masks will then appear. Find the right one, then pull Zant withthe Clawshot, slash, repeat. Phase 4After he fires at you, roll into the pillar to destabilize him and use theboomerang to make him fall off. Slash him, repeat. Phase 5Watch for his reflect on the ice to avoid his attack, then use the Ball and Chain to hit one of his feet. While he's shrinked down, slash him andrepeat the process. Phase 6One on one combat. Attack him with hidden skills, avoid his attacks, strike and defeat him for good.In the front courtyard, fight the enemies blocking the east door, thentake down more of them in the east yard and head for the gate at the end.Pull the chain to open it, then go through it and walk to the back of theyard where a troll awaits you. Defeat him to obtain a Small Key. Now return to the courtyard and go through the west door after fightingthe enemies. Traverse the west yard while taking down some enemies, thenget on a boar at the back and ride it through the barriers to reach somecolumns like the ones in the Forest Temple. The pattern you must followis on the ground in front of the gate ahead; use the boomerang to blowoff the dead leaves covering it. Hit the columns in this order with theboomerang (there is one column you don't need to hit), then open thechest behind the gate to acquire the Map. Before heading out of his area, look on the left of the columns to seeanother spot with dead leaves. Turn into the wolf and use your senses tonotice a glowing spot. Dig into it to end back in another part of thecourtyard. Using your senses, find the tree surrounded by spirits and youshould see a boulder burried in the ground. Use a bomb to blow it up andreveal a switch. Step on it to open a gate. Open the chest inside thisnew alcove to get an Orange Rupee, then light up the two torches with thelantern. The rain will stop momentarily. Run to the other end of the graveyard and light the two torches on eachside of the gate to open it. Move both statues (with the Dominion Rod) tothe destroyed wall on the right of the alcove. Place them against thewall with some distance between them so you can use them to jump across.Climb on the ruins and cross using statues to reach the other side of theledge. Pull the chain here to open the gate, then open the chest for a Small Key. Now return to the entrance and enter the castle. Take down the enemies that come at you, then climb up the little stairway on the left and usethe clawshot on the chandelier above to reach a balcony. Open the chesthere to acquire the Compass. Then aim for the nearby chandelier and loweryourself first, so you have a good shot at the next chandelier. Aim for the next and land on the small bacony. Enter the room here. Defeat the knight in this room, then go stand on the lowered tile behindthe raised one (it's actually a stairway, but it's simplier to just usea little trick to go faster) and take out your boomerang. Aim at the torchon the left side of the room and throw it at to take out the flame. Thestep you are standing on will raise. Open the chest above to obtain aPurple Rupee. Now you can go either right or left. It leads to the same inthe end. East hallway: Knock down the painting on the wall with an arrow to reveala pattern. Light the four torches following the pattern to open the door.Defeat the enemies in the next room to unlock the doors. West hallway: Shoot down the middle painting on the right wall with anarrow to reveal a switch. Shoot it to open the door. Take down the twoknights in the next room to unlock the doors. Exit through either of the doors leading to the ramparts outside of thecastle and open the chest containing the Big Key at the end of the leftone. Also open the chest at the end of the right one for a Small Key.Then go up and open the door in the middle. To cross the room with the falling tiles, turn into the wolf and use yoursenses. Look at the soldier spirits to see what direction they're pointingand follow the path indicated by them to safely reach the other side of the room. Jump over the gaps to climb up the stairway, then take down theenemies at the top. To cross the next stairway, use the clawshots on thetorches on the sides. Then take down more enemies and use the Spinner tohead up the last stairway. Defeatthe two knights here, then unlock the door at the end of the hallway to find a room full of chests. When you'reready, unlock the boss door and get ready for the final fight. Finale Part 1The puppet has three attacks: she will either make a Triforce shape appearon the ground (avoid that by rolling out of it quickly), charge towardsyou (yet again, roll out of her reach to avoid), or throw a ball of energy at you (this should feel familiar if you've played OoT). When shethrows the ball, hit it with your sword to send it back at her. Keepthrowing it back at her until she misses her shot and gets hit. Do thateverytime she sends the energy ball until Phase 2 begins. Part 2Now the boss will turn into a beast. Stay at the front of the room and take out your bow. Keep it aimed towards the back of the room and you should see some red spots appear and disappear. Watch them carefully untilone of them turns blue. When this happens, the beast will come out of itand run in your direction. Quickly shoot an arrow at the beast's foreheadto make it collapse on the ground. Slash its belly a couple of times andrepeat the process. After a few more hits, you'll notice your arrows aren't doing any harm anymore. It's now time to change your strategy. Turn into the wolf andwatch for the red spots. When you see one turning blue, just stay thereand stand still as the boss runs towards you. The B button (Wii) or Abutton (cube) should appear on screen right before he rams into you. Pressit to grab the beast and hold the control stick on the side to knock himover. Strike his belly and repeat until Phase3. Part 3Now a horseback battle. Your enemy will either charge on you, or you'llhave to chase him around. If he charges, deviate your trajectory to avoidhim. He will also send hords of ghosts at you; you can also avoid themby charging out of their way, or between them if you're fast enough. Whenyou get the chance, chase him down until you're lined up with him. Lock-on him and your partner will fire a light arrow. If it touches him, he'llbe destabilize for a short moment. Charge on him and slash him a couple oftimes with your sword. Repeat the process until Phase 4. Part 4Final phase, one on one battle. Fight him just like you'd fight an armoredknight, using hidden skills or whatever techniques that work best for you.Attack the side he's holding his sword; he'll be more weak on this side.What you'll need to do to defeat him is give him a good hit that'll knockhim over on the ground. Then quickly finish him while he's lying there. 4. Sidequests
Howling Stones & Hidden SkillsHowling Stone 1Location: Death MountainYou'll find this Howling Stone on your way to Death Mountain, in an area full of geysers. Though you first run across it in the Twilight Realm as the wolf, you can come back later and get it if you missed it.Hidden Skill: Shield AttackYou'll find the golden wolf at the Ordon Spring, in a little clearing on the side.Howling Stone 2Location: Upper Zora RiverThis Howling Stone is found on the little hill overhanging the river, near the Fishing Hole and boat rental place.Hidden Skill: Back SliceThe golden wolf is waiting for you on a ledge reachable by climbing some vines at the right of the bridge leading inside Hyrule Castle Town.Howling Stone 3Location: Lake HyliaClimb up the ladder as if you were going to the watchtower and you'll find this Howling Stone on the left, on the edge of the cliff overlooking the lake.Hidden Skill: Helm SplitterTo find the golden wolf, head into the path leading to Arbitrer's Grounds, but instead of taking the right path, take the left one at the fork. The wolf will be waiting for you there.Howling Stone 4Location: Sacred GroveYou can't miss this Howling Stone, it's right on your way to the Sacred Grove, in front of the entrance.Hidden Skill: Mortal DrawLeave Hyrule Castle Town by the southern exit and look on the right of the stairway to find the golden wolf.Howling Stone 5Location: SnowpeakOn your way to the top of the mountain, the Howling Stone is located on the edge of a cliff right before the cave leading to the summit. It's easy to miss, so look carefully.Hidden Skill: Jump StrikeYou'll find the golden wolf at the back of the Kakariko Village Graveyard.Howling Stone 6Location: Hidden VillageTo find this Howling Stone, break through the window of the middle eastern house to get inside. Then break through the window opening on the backyard to get there. The stone is here.Hidden Skill: Great SpinThe golden wolf can be found right in front of Hyrule Castle (inside town).
Heart PiecesHeart Piece 1Location: Ordon VillageRequirement: EponaAfter Goron Mines, return to Ordon Village and head over to the ranch with Epona. Talk to the owner and accept to herd the goats in one last time. You will get a Heart Piece this time around for your efforts.Heart Piece 2Location: Faron WoodsRequirement: LanternWhen you first come in Faron Woods, you will get to the swamp area (before the fog appears) where you'll need to look for a key to open a gate. In the cave where the key is (or was), go to the very end of the tunnel and light the two lanterns to make a chest appear. If you return there later in the game, you'll need to repel the fog with the lantern to find back the cave.Heart Piece 3Location: Faron WoodsRequirement: Dominion RodWhile you're on the quest to find all the owl statues to complete the sky book (or after), head over to Faron Woods where the owl statue is near the lantern guy's house. With the Rod, move the owl statue towards the boulder beside the tree and place it into the small hole onto the ground. Then jump from the boulder (as wolf Link) to the tree branch using Midna. Follow the path up to a chest with the Heart Piece.Heart Piece 4Location: Kakariko VillageRequirement: Bow, ArrowsAfter Goron Mines, return to the village and climb to the top of the tower on the cliffs above the Bomb Shop. On the roof of the tower, talk to the child to test your aiming skills in a mini-game. Shoot all the targets with your arrows to receive a Heart Piece.Heart Piece 5Location: Kakariko VillageRequirement: Bombs, Iron BootsAt the left of the spirit's spring, blow up the boulder in the rockface with a bomb to reveal a cave behind. Head inside the pond at the back and put on the Iron Boots to find a chest at the bottom containing the Heart Piece.Heart Piece 6Location: Kakariko VillageRequirement: Bow + Bombs, BoomerangAbove the boulder you just blew up beside the spirit's spring, look atop the high cliff to see a boulder. Blow it up using the Arrows + Bombs combo to reveal the Heart Piece. How to reach it? Use the Gale Boomerang and lock-on to bring it down to you.Heart Piece 7Location: Kakariko Village/ Hyrule FieldRequirement: 1000 RupeesAfter donating 1000 Rupees to the Goron in Malo Mart to fix the bridge in Hyrule Field, talk to the old Goron in front of Malo Mart to be transposted to Hyrule Field with Hotspring Water. You'll need to get it to the Goron on the bridge. Don't run across the field, run along the edge of the field until you reach the bridge and pour the water on the Goron to receive a Heart Piece.Heart Piece 8Location: Lake HyliaRequirement: Bombs, LanternFrom the Lake Hylia warp point area, look behind you for a small footbridge followed by a ladder nearby. It leads near the watchtower. Look in the mountainside to spot a boulder. Blow it up, then go through the cave maze inside and get the chest at the very end for a Heart Piece.Heart Piece 9Location: Lake HyliaRequirement: 20 RupeesAt the left of Bridge Hylia, enter Falbi's house and pay 20 Rupees for the Flight-By-Fowl Challenge. Use a cucco to glide over to the colored platform in the center of the lake and land on the top level where the flag is. The chest here contains a Heart Piece.Heart Piece 10Location: Lake HyliaRequirement: NoneNear the spirit's cave and the waterfall flowing down from Zora's River, stand near the grass where you usually call the bird enemy as wolf Link. A parot will offer you to play the fruit-popping-ballon challenge. To win the Heart Piece, you must score 10,000 points. It's easier than it seems: simply pop ONLY the red ballons and avoid the others. When you reach the end of the cave, you should have about 35,000 points, more than enough for the prize.Heart Piece 11Location: Lake HyliaRequirement: Clawshot, LanternIn the spirit's cave, use your Clawshot on the vines at the back of the room and climb up to a secret tunnel. Light up all the torches at the end to make a chest appear, with a Heart Piece inside.Heart Piece 12Location: Zora's RiverRequirement: Fishing RodEnter the Fishing Hole (next to the boat rental place) and rent a canoe from Hena. In the middle of the lake, there should be a big tall rock with a Heart Piece on (right in front of where you start). Throw the line at the Heart Piece to bring it to you.Heart Piece 13Location: Gerudo DesertRequirement: NoneIn the Moblins' camp where you fought the Troll (right before Arbitrer's Grounds), there should be a roasting boar over a fire. Use the Spin Attack on it, then slash it until you reveal a Heart Piece. (Or come back later when it will have disappeared, leaving the Heart Piece behind).Heart Piece 14Location: SnowpeakRequirement: NoneAfter Snowpeak Ruins, head back to the summit of the mountain and talk to Yeto for an easy race against him. Then talk to Yeta for a rematch against her. She is harder to beat, so you'll need to use shortcuts by grinding and jumping on the ledges on the side of the track. You'll be rewarded a Heart Piece for beating her.Heart Piece 15Location: Sacred GroveRequirement: BombsFrom the Master Sword's emplacement where the guardians are, exit by the only door here, leading back to a previous area where you fought the Skull Kid. There is a boulder in the center of that area; blow it up with a bomb, then turn into wolf form and dig into the spot to reach a cave. Take care of the enemies in here to make a chest appear, containing the Heart Piece.Heart Piece 16Location: Sacred GroveRequirement: Dominion RodIn the Temple of Time entrance hall (before you enter the actual dungeon), head down the first stairway and look on the sides of this stairway for owl statues. Move them with the Dominion Rod to reveal secret alcoves behind. One of them has a chest with the Heart Piece.Heart Piece 17Location: Death MountainRequirement: NoneFrom the bottom of the path leading to Death Mountain, climb up the net wall, then when you come to the second Goron, heave him launch you to the ledge above, on the side of the path. Then head forward and look for an alcove in the rockface. Drop down there and open the chest for an Heart Piece. (You can also use the Clawshot on the vine where the baby Goron is standing on the ledge to get there.)Heart Piece 18Location: Hidden VillageRequirement: NoneAfter you have access to the Hidden Village (it's part of the storyline, you can't miss it), return there later on to find out it's now filled with cats. Head over to the backyard where the Howling Stone is and turn into the wolf. Talk to the cucco to start the sidequest. You'll have to talk to all 20 cats around the village. Look everywhere, on the balconies, behind houses, between crates. You'll receive a Heart Piece for your trouble.Heart Piece 19Location: Castle TownRequirement: 1000 RupeesAt the entrance of Hyrule Market, there is a man asking for donations. Give him 1000 Rupees (not at once, but over time) to finally receive a Heart Piece.Heart Piece 20Location: Hyrule FieldRequirement: Gale BoomerangIn the Faron Province, head over the small bridge in the middle as you exit Faron Woods, and look up at the tree right beside the bridge to spot a Heart Piece in the leaves. Use your boomerang to bring it down to you.Heart Piece 21Location: Hyrule FieldRequirement: Gale BoomerangWarp to Kakariko Gorge and cross the small bridge right behind you. Head past the hill on the left and look into the chasm separating the two parts of the field to see a rock formation with a Heart Piece on top. Use the boomerang to bring it to you.Heart Piece 22Location: Hyrule FieldRequirement: Bombs, LanternStill at Kakariko Gorge, cross the small bridge, then instead of going left, this time go right. Look in the rockface for a boulder. Blow it up, then follow the path inside the cave until you find two torches at the end. Light them up to make a chest appear containing a Heart Piece.Heart Piece 23Location: Hyrule FieldRequirement: Double ClawshotsAt the very same spot you got Heart Piece 21, there's a clawshot target on the rock beside where the Heart Piece was. Clawshot to it, then use the second clawshot to clawshot yourself to the rockface on the opposite side. Then clawshot to the other rock with the vines at the bottom. Use the vines to cross to the other side of the rock and find a Heart Piece.Heart Piece 24Location: Hyrule FieldRequirement: Bombs, Arrows, ClawshotAs you exit Kakariko Village by the north entrance, go up to the end of the path where the field starts. Look on the left for a big boulder. Blow it up, then head onto the path going up the cliff and use the Bomb + Arrow combo to blow up a boulder on the other side of the gap, up the cliff. Vines will be revealed. Use the Clawshot on them, then drop down on the other side and open the chest at the end of the ledge for a Heart Piece.Heart Piece 25Location: Hyrule FieldRequirement: Bombs, Ball and ChainIn the field north of Hyrule Castle (where the Zora River flows in), walk into the path along the mountainside at the back and about in the middle, where some Moblins are in the clearing by the fence, blow up the boulder in the wall to reveal a cave. Inside, use the Ball and Chain to smash down the ice block blocking the entrance. You'll need to go through three ice-block puzzles to get to the chest containing a Heart Piece.Heart Piece 26Location: Hyrule FieldRequirement: Bombs, SpinnerIn the Lanayru Province, head east of Hyrule Castle to find boulders blocking a path. Blow them up, then look on the side of the wall to find a track for the Spinner. Use it and head along the tracks, jumping between them, until you reach an alcove with a chest containing the Heart Piece.Heart Piece 27Location: Hyrule FieldRequirement: SpinnerPast the Bridge of Eldin, if you head north in direction of the Hidden Village, you'll come across a small wooden bridge. After crossing it, look on the left for a spinner track. Use the Spinner on it to reach a small area. Turn into the wolf and dig into the spot in the middle of the patch of grass to fall into a cave. Defeat the enemies inside to make a chest appear, which contains a Heart Piece.Heart Piece 28Location: Hyrule FieldRequirement: Dominion RodAfter repairing the Bridge of Eldin and getting the Dominion Rod, head to the bridge from Hyrule Fields and you'll notice a gap on one side with a ladder on the other side, that you can't reach. Midna will mention a missing ledge. Head over to the other end of the bridge and climb on the ledge at the right. There should be a howl statue here. Move it using the Dominion Rod and bring it all the way to the other end of the bridge. Place the statue in the gap, then use it to jump across to the other side. Climb up the ladder and open the chest at the top for a Heart Piece.Heart Piece 29Location: Hyrule FieldRequirement: Clawshot, Iron BootsAfter crossing the Bridge of Eldin, look at the mountainside facing the bridge to spot a clawshot target. Clawshot yourself to it, then follow the ledge into a cave. Inside, head along the path and drop down into the magnetic fields using the Iron Boots to travel from one platform to another. Open the chest at the end for a Heart Piece.For the following Heart Pieces, use the walkthrough for each temple. There are two Heart Pieces per dungeon. The Heart Pieces are bolded in red so you can quickly spot their location.Heart Piece 30Location: Forest TempleRequirement: BombsHeart Piece 31Location: Forest TempleRequirement: Gale BoomerangHeart Piece 32Location: Goron MinesRequirement: Iron BootsHeart Piece 33Location: Goron MinesRequirement: Iron BootsHeart Piece 34Location: Lakebed TempleRequirement: ClawshotHeart Piece 35Location: Lakebed TempleRequirement: ClawshotHeart Piece 36Location: Arbitrer's GroundsRequirement: NoneHeart Piece 37Location: Arbitrer's GroundsRequirement: SpinnerHeart Piece 38Location: Snowpeak RuinsRequirement: BombsHeart Piece 39Location: Snowpeak RuinsRequirement: Ball and ChainHeart Piece 40Location: Temple of TimeRequirement: Spinner, ClawshotHeart Piece 41Location: Temple of TimeRequirement: Dominion RodHeart Piece 42Location: City in the SkyRequirement: ClawshotHeart Piece 43Location: City in the SkyRequirement: ClawshotHeart Piece 44Location: Palace of TwilightRequirement: ClawshotHeart Piece 45Location: Palace of TwilightRequirement: None
BugsAntMale: In Kakariko Graveyard, on the tree over the ledge at the back.Female: In Kakariko Village, inside one of the houses on the west side.-------------------------------------------------MantisMale: At the north end of Bridge Hylia (north according to the map), use the boomerang on the right side of the arch (the exterior face) to catch the bug flying there.Female: South of Bridge Hylia (towards Faron Province), you'll pass through a kind of rock tunnel with a huge tree above and some roots. Look up at the left rockface near the end of the path and use the boomerang to catch the bug there.-------------------------------------------------ButterflyMale: In the field right outside Hyrule Castle Town's entrance, look in a patch of flowers near the path leading to the ruined watch point to find this bug.Female: In the field right outside Hyrule Castle Town's entrance, look near the path leading to Bridge Hylia for some vines at the top of the rockface. Clawshot to them to get on the cliff and look in the grass there for the bug.-------------------------------------------------PhasmidMale: At Eldin Bridge, on the arch of the south end of the bridge. Look up to find it.Female: Past Eldin Bridge, clawshot yourself to the mountainside facing the bridge. Follow the ledge and look up at the rockface to find the bug.-------------------------------------------------DayflyMale: In Gerudo Desert, on the east side, look for this bug near some wooden barriers blocking the way to a path into the wall.Female: In Gerudo Desert, near the "puzzle" where the howl statue is, look in the second ditch into the sand to find the bug.-------------------------------------------------Stag BeetleMale: In the area north of Hyrule Castle Town, where the Zora river flows, there is a tree on the side of the path crossing the field with the bug on the trunk.Female: In the same area, but in the path along the mountains at the back, go where some Moblins are in the clearing by the fence. There is a cave here blocked by a boulder (inside is some ice block puzzles for a Heart Piece) and the bug is right above that cave entrance.-------------------------------------------------LadybugMale: In the back courtyard south of Hyrule Castle Town, look on the west side of the stairway for the bug flying above the ground next to the big rock pillar.Female: In the same area, in the middle of the stairway, look in the grass path where trees are at the right of the pool of water to find this bug.-------------------------------------------------GrasshopperMale: In the large empty field south of Eldin Bridge, near the rock shaped as a bridge leading to Kakariko Village, find this bug laying around.Female: At the right of Eldin Bridge (but quite farther on), near the edge in the top-right corner of the field, look for this buy hopping around.-------------------------------------------------BeetleMale: In Faron Province, at the right of the small bridge crossing the field, there is a tree at the north of the water stream with the bug on.Female: On the exterior border of the field, at the right of the path leading to Kakariko Gorge, look up at the ledges with the trees above to spot a bug on one of the trees. Bring it down with the boomerang.-------------------------------------------------Pill BugMale: In Kakariko Gorge, on the ground south of the small wooden bridge over the gorge is the bug.Female: At the left of the entrance to Kakariko Village, in the corner of the field by the fence next to the gorge, are some trees, grass and a moblin. Look in the flower patch to find the bug.-------------------------------------------------SnailMale: In the Sacred Grove, when you first enter the temple grounds where the guards are, after pushing down the block, go left through the small tunnel and look up to see the bug on the ceiling.Female: In the Temple of Time entrance (not the dungeon itself, but the entrance hall), head down the stairway and look at the left of it, on the wall, to see the bug.-------------------------------------------------DragonflyMale: In Zora's Domain, at the bottom of the waterfall, go right and up the small hill above the shore to find the bug flying around.Female: In front of the boat rental house in Zora's River, there is a bug flying below the balcony. Bring it to you with the boomerang.
Poes1, 2, 3, 4) The four first ones are found in Arbitrer's Grounds. You can't miss them as they are required to complete the dungeon.5) The fifth Poe is found inside Jiovanni's house. It'll be on your way, so you can't miss it. Kakariko6) This Poe is floating by the tower at the very top of the village, along the mountainside.7) Another Poe is floating around the ruins of the house that burnt earlier.8) You'll find this Poe at the back of the graveyard.9) Also in the graveyard, push all the tombstones and the Poe is inside under one of them.10) On your way to Death Mountain, climb up the net then head over to the second Goron on your path. Have him throw you up on the ledge above, on your right. The Poe is here.Faron11) In the swamp area of Faron Woods, go across the platforms again and you'll find this Poe on your way.12) In the Sacred Grove woods, there is a Poe on a ledge behind a waterfall.13) Still in the Sacred Grove, head back to the area where you fought the Skull Kid the second time and blow up the boulder in the center to reveal a hidden Poe.14) Another Poe is in the clearing where you get the Master Sword.15) In the entrance hall of the Temple of Time (before the actual dungeon), look on the sides of the stairway at the entrance to find two howl statues. Move them out of the wall with the Dominion Rod. The one on the left has a Poe hidden behind.Hyrule Field16) This Poe is hanging at the ruined watchpoint at the left of the entrance to Hyrule Castle Town.17) Exit Hyrule Castle Town by the south entrance to end up in the backyard. By the pool you'll find the Poe.18) Exit Hyrule Castle Town by the western exit (the bridge must be fixed) to find the Poe on the bridge.19) At Kakariko Gorge, look over the hill across the bridge to find a Poe.20) Still at Kakariko Gorge, cross the small wooden bridge, then go right and look in the rockface for a boulder. Blow it up, then follow the path inside the cave to find a Poe at one of the forks.21) In the Faron Province, there is a Poe on the small hill across the wooden bridge.22) In the field north of Hyrule Castle (where the Zora River flows), look on the bridge over the river to find the Poe.23, 24) In the same area as #22, look at the right of the bridge for a spot where you can dig in a patch of grass while using the wolf's senses, near a tree. In the cave down there, you'll find two Poes.25) South of Bridge Hylia (towards Faron Province), you'll pass through a kind of rock tunnel with a huge tree above and some roots. Right after this path, look on the left rockface to spot some boulders. Blow them up with bomb arrows, then use the clawshot on the targets to reach a platform with a Poe on.Lake Hylia26) At the right of the spirit's cave, there is some land beside the waterfall where you'll find this Poe. It's right next to the fruit-popping-ballon challenge.27) At the left of Bridge Hylia, enter Falbi's house and pay 20 Rupees for the Flight-By-Fowl Challenge. Use a cucco to glide over to the colored platform in the center of the lake and land on the lowest level where a Poe is.28) Go back to the Flight-By-Fowl Challenge and glide over to the left. Land on the cliff by the mountainside where you'll find a Poe.29) After warping to Lake Hylia, turn around and cross the small footbridge. Hop from one platform to another to reach an area with the Poe.30) This Poe is right beside the watchtower at the top of the area.31, 32, 33) In the area with the watchtower, look at the side of the mountain to find a boulder blocking the entrance to a cave. Blow it up, then search the cave for three Poes.Zora's Domain34) This Poe is at the Upper Zora River. It's in plain view on the hill overlooking the river.35) After jumping down the waterfall at Zora's Domain, swim to the shore on your right and you'll find a Poe at the top of the hill.36) Then swim to the opposite shore and start climbing up the cliffs behind the waterfall using Midna's help. You'll find the Poe along the path.Hidden Village37) This Poe is hanging on the right house's balcony. Get inside the left house and climb up to the balcony, then use the clawshot on the net dangling from the right house's balcony to get on it.Gerudo Desert38) After entering the desert from the cannon back at Lake Hylia, turn around and look on a platform to the south to find this Poe.39) Warp to Gerudo Mesa and the Poe will be right behind you.40) In the northwest corner of the desert, look for a high ledge with a tree. Clawshot yourself to the tree to get on the platform. You'll find a Poe on here.41, 42) On the same platform as #40, use your senses to find a dig spot leading to a cave. Fight the two Poes down there.43) At the intersection before entering the enemy campment grounds, go right to find this Poe.44) In the enemy campment where you fought the troll before it took on fire, you'll find a Poe.45) In front of the entrance to Arbitrer's Grounds, look on the right to find a Poe.SnowPeak46, 47) You'll find those two Poes on your way up the mountain. You can't really miss them.48) Same as #48, but when you come to a cliff that you have to climb along, head as far right as you can to find this Poe in the distance.49) When you get to the end of the path going up the mountain, you'll find a small cave. Inside, use the Ball and Chain on the ice blocks to break them and reveal a Poe.50) Right before Snowpeak Ruins, there's a slope going down the mountain where you race against the Yeti. From the foot of this slope, head for the little cliff at the bottom of the manor's stairway and climb around it until you get on top of it, where a Poe is.Snowpeak Ruins51) In the entrance hall, you'll find this Poe before entering the room where Yeta is. You can't miss it.52) Also in the entrance hall, once you have the Ball and Chain, use it to smash down the knights armors on the sides of the wall and reveal a Poe behind one of them.53) In one of the rooms of the second floor, that has an ice covered floor and some ice enemies, smash down the ice wall with the Ball and Chain to reveal a Poe.Temple of Time
54) In the room with the scale, stand on the highest plate of the scale and take out your Clawshot. Target the ceiling to get on the platform in the middle above. Use the spinner on the track around the wall to get to a ledge with a Poe.55) In the huge room with the rotating elevator pillar in the center, you've surely noticed the Poe behind a gate. Use the Dominion Rod to move one of the statuettes on the sides of the gate and move it on the switch behind to open the gate and free the Poe.City in the Sky56) In the outside area with the flying plant enemies, clawshot to the nearby enemy above the fallen pillar on the ground, then wait until he gets near the tree on the left and clawshot the enemy there. Drop down near that tree to find a Poe.57) In the outside yard at the very top of the temple where you get the Big Key, climb up the vines on the right wall here, then use wolf Link to cross the rope. Go left and climb up the vines. Cross the ropes ahead to get to a platform with a Poe.Cave of Ordeals58, 59, 60) The last Poes are found on the 17th, 33rd and 44th floors of the Cave of Ordeals. To find the Cave of Ordeals, warp to Gerudo Mesa and look right behind you for the entrance to the cave in the ground.
5. Frequently Asked QuestionsQ - Where are the bottles?A - 1) You'll receive the first bottle from Sera at the beginning of the game when you bring back home the cat.2) Buy this bottle for 100 Rupees from the lantern guy.3) Earn this bottle from Jiovanni for brining back 20 Poes to him in Castle Town.4) You can catch this bottle in the Fishing Hole. You'll need to fish for it in the small pond at the left of the footbridge, where the signpost says not to throw in bottles. It's pretty random, so just fish until you get it.Q - Where is the Cave of Ordeals?A - Simply warp to Gerudo Mesa and turn around. The entrance to the cave is right behind you, in the ground.Q - How do you get the largest wallet?A - Collect all 20 bugs for Aghita.Q - How do you return to Jiovanni's house?A - Head over to Hyrule Castle Town and find the house with the courtyard full of cats. As the wolf, use your senses to find a dig spot in the corner of the wall. You can enter the house by there.Q - Where do I get a new shield if mine burned up?A - You can buy the Hylian Shield for 200 Rupees at Malo Mart, in Kakariko Village.